The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

Cfcti 0Slm 'fflatlp felxibt mncsbi gjftrnwg, jjanh 4, 6 for the coal fear to 1.911.988 'i1rtJSreS5 to the corresponding time last year. being i of 220.036 tons. We have no The coal trade continues steady, Jilost been without change InMrJiJia bales: exports to the Continent 7268 bales; exports coastwise 2020 bales: sales 4700 bales; stock on hand 301,128 bales. Market lower; middlings 15'iC GALVESTON. March 3.

Net receipts 666 bales: gross receipts bales: sales 500 bales: stock ou hand bales. Market dull: good ordinary U-4c. Coxpoi.mATKn.-Not receipts at United States ports tor four days 54.842 bales; exports to Great Britain 44.KI2 bales; exports to the Continent 42,361 bales; stock ou hand 786,451 bales. ANNAN. In this city 3d mmt tliza A.

Cannan. Tl BMt-. ot FLA.NDLKS.-Iu this city 2d v-ders. 37 veirs. T' NathanUi Ulllt'lV Pi4JL ders WOOllVI about 8500 per ton, say $12,500 to $15,000 per day.

Nothing to compare with this has ever been developed before. Even the Minnesota and "Cliff," in their palmy days, came nowhere near it The interesting question arises: Is the Calumet Hecla the only piece of property in the whole Lake Superior region of such extraordinary richness? Mining men think not, and developments are now being made which bid fair soon to thoroughly test this matter of such great interest This is to be done on the Osceola property, which joins the Calumet Hecla on its southern boundary, and the same vein is being rapidly opened not more than 000 feet from the Hecla line. The openings were commenced in August last, with three shafts, which at last advices were sunk to the first level, 125 feet from the surface, and drifts had been started north and south from each shaft If the local papers at the lake are to be trusted, as well as the most reliable private advices from the mining district, there is good promise of having another Calumet Hecla mine at a pretty early day. The prospects of this mine, it is said, are quite as encouraging as the Calumet was at the same stage of development The mill for crushing the rock has just been started, and the percentage of copper will be known, probably, before the end of the present week. BOMESTIC PORTS.

Charleston Ar 2d, scb A Ffeke. fm Weymouth. Main. Sailed 2d, sch Vanneman. for Boston.

Fall River Ar 28th. schs Falcon. Carter. Newcastle. Del; 8 Tyler.

McCarthy, Y.eehawken;LizzieD Small, lice, Amboy; Florida. Hbtxiken. Sailed 1st. schs David Hoyd, Clifford, and New Zealand. New York 2d, James II Young, btillmau, and Highlander.

Wood. do. txloacester Ar 28th. schs Modena Jerauld, TL Mayo, and JF Huntress, from Oeorges; 2nd. Robert tmmett.from do: Irene Messervey, Messeryey, Rock-port for Norfolk: Samuel Hart, Holhrook.

fm tor New York Perebaw, Hart, from Roikport for East Maryland; 3d. Mary Low, from Banks; Carrie Francis. Tidal Wave. Adelia Uartwell and Abbie Dodge, from Georges, Hampton Roads Ar 3d, barque Fcrda. tm Belfast, for oruers.

New Sailed 2d. sch Julia, Terry, for New York. few York Ar 2d. steamer Canima (Br). Bermuda.

Ar 3d. steamers Adriatic Br), Liverpool Feb 19; Stare of Virginia (Br). Glasgow Feb 13; barque Galatea, from Hatavia brig Creole. Coleman. Palermo.

Cleared 2d. ship Hudson. Knight. Loudon barques Czarina, Nickels. Harve; Atlantic, Dickerson.

Bai dadoes: Acacia. Anderson, brigs Pedro, Babrs, Port Spain; Ruby. Neal, Barbadoes schs Midilleton. Bowen. Cape Hayti; Maid of the Mist, Smith.

Bridgetown Mary Leach. Atkins. Antigua; Hadgdon Foster. Baracoa; Light of the East, Harper. Laguayra and Porto Cabello.

Passed throngh Hell Gate 2d, sch Ada Ames, Walker. New ork for Rockland. New Orleans Cleared 2d. ships A Slamler. Sam-Eon.

Liverpool; Pocahontas. Duncan, do: barque Reunion. Emerson, for Tarragona: sch 51 At wood, for Boston. Newport Ar 2d, 'United States steamer Cactus. Latham schs English, Chase, from New Bedford for New York New Zealand.

from Fall River for do; Crocker. Thrasher; Brandywine. Fengar, and Harry A Ned. Cattell. Provideuce for do; 3d, sch John Nye.

Wiley. Provincetown for Virginia. Sailed sells Fred Tyler. Tyrrell, from Providence for New York; Drew. Chappell.

from Jacksonville for Bath; Bengal. Titus, from Rockland for New York; Millie 44" ashburn. Cobb, from Providencefor Virginia; Dawes. Kennedy. Boston for do; Rattier, McPher-son.

Gloucester for New York. In port, schsArnde May, Philadelphia; liattie Perry, Chase, from Philadelphia: FA Smith, Williams. Gloucester: Lizzie Barker. Barker, and I.eona. Wilev.Boston for Virginia: Amelia.

Bullock, fm Portland for Philadelphia; Fisher, Carne. Plymouth fordo; Czar.Gove. Bath for New Yorlt; Baltic. Barker, Portland for do: Porter, Hair, from Provideuce for Charleston Maud Mallocb, Norwood Ontario. Sprague and Louisa A KoardmaH, Norwood, dolor New Y'ork; Elisba Smith.

Baker, New Bedford for do; David Flovd, Clifford, Fall River for New York; Hope Ou. Ciowell, Boston for losephine. Bracer, fm Hyannis fi New York: Louisa Smith, Fall River for do: Lucy Hammond. Robinson do for Virginia. Norfolk Ar 3d.

steamer Australian, Galveston for Liverpool. Put in for coal. l'ortland Ar 3d. barque Ella Oliver, New York; sch Young. Matanzas.

Cleared 2d. schs II Means. Carl, fir Baltimore; Odell, Winslow. aud Congress. York.

New rK. tllearco 3d, steamer Corinthian, Scott, Liverpool; sch Electra Bailev, Smith. Havana. Portsmouth Ar 2d. schs Charlie Stedman.

Dun-ton, aud Douglas Haines. Adams, lloboken. iTovlflence Ar 2d steamer William Kennedy, Foster. Baltimore via Norfolk. Sailed 2d.

schs Dexter. Errieson Samuel Crocker, Thrasher, and Holway. Bravant. New York San Franeiwo Ar 2d. ship David Crockett, Burgess.

New York Nov 9. Sailed 2d. steamer Japan. Yokohama. Savannah Ar 2d.

sch Four Sisters, Portland. Cleared 2d, barque Milo. Robbins, Revel. Sailed 2d barque Peter Crerer. Miiuro.

Montevideo. Seabeck Sailed 22d, ship Grace Darling. Bliven. for Melbourne. Somerset Ar 27tb, schs George Hotchkiss.

Doyle. Hoboken: 28tb. A Parker, Dean.and Abigail Haynes. Smith. Elizabeth port; Breeze, Bartlett.

from Hoboken; Blackstone, Wicktou, New Y'ork sloop North America. Lyons, do. rOKKHiN PORTS. Aral Alexandria, E. about Feb 17.

Commodore Du-pont. Nichols, New Y'ork. Sailed from Hong Kong 27th ult, steamer Alaska, for Sail Francisco via Yokohama. Sailed from Singapore Jan 25. barques Ben Nevis, for New York; Yronne.

Jan, do; 29th, Marie. Holmau, for Boston. Sailed from Messina Feb brig Munson, Brown. United States. Ar at Naples 2d 111st.

schs Mary Varwell, VarwelL fm kins received by the various railroads for to-day March 3: Boston and Albany Railroad-A Thompson CO 21 rolls leather Da vis 42 do do I AUK Osborn 4 do do butler, Dunn co 10 do do-EW Corey 10 dodo Johnson, Eaton Bracket! 1 do do A Adams 4scks do-Loring It 21 lolls leather Bishop 3 bd.s 3kins -Allen. Held Lawrence 1 bundle Safford 14 rolls leather-Converse 16 do do order i do do-Knight 6 do do-A A Culver 1 case eather-A Mofceley bags do-Priest Albree 17 robs 'eather-Buckman, co 373 sides do Appleton. f0', ji leather-JfJinson, Eaton Brackett 317 bills Wood 4 rolls leather-Butler. Dunn co 41 do )- Boston and Lowell Kailroad-Puge. CJ Osborn 41 do do-Allen, Field dcor.ler 5 do do-W A Sawyer o.O sides leatner Spanlding Bumstead 2H9 do do.

PO 19 Boston and Maine Railroad-sawyer. Hollls co hides 2 bales skins-Bell co 9 rons leauici 3 bills do-onler rolls ao 2 no Boston and providence Blrod-U CI LirK ca leather-Davis I do Ibai Linueman 3 do do-Win Gould 1 case FKoii i oi Mh. a univ t.i..nll Whlt tillCTon II rolls a a YJ ll jr- Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SKius Is mil? to, So ldls Hewins Reed -Allen. Field Lawrence 61 bundles iu rsils leather Beebe 1 case leather SJwn I do do-H Kitfleld 1 42 Wlis Kips- A flnniC A' ft (i Clark I do do John Brown al VaffordTs" rolls do-H Avery 5 'rSto "teathS I Currier Sou 7 bdls do-order intern Railroad-L Goodnow 10 bills leather-Davis Brother 3S8 sides leather-H Bond 73 tolls do order 7 do skins. Fitc iburg Rallroad-Gris wold.

Whitney co 17 hides 2 skins Jones 48 rolls leather Snatildiue lulls do Ctishinan 77 do do Sarcoid 13 1x1 Is do order 6 rolls do bales skins. New York and New England Railroad A Thompson 3 casks sides leather 2 Nils skins Trowbridge 70 rolls leather Knight Daniels 27 do do A Chase 2 bdls do A Tonne 2 do do Sawyer, llollis co 27 bdj hides Pratt 1 cask leather order 6 rolls do 2 bale? hides. Old Colony and Newport Railroad Booth co 1 cask skins Wentwortn rolls leather Beebe co 2 cases do order 8 rolls do. Monroe A Arnold's Express Company Upton 579 sides leather Johnson, Ar co 1 roll do 11 Poor Son 52 do do Bent 43 do do Jones co 2 do do A- A 11 Batchelder 74 do do Dewson. Williams co 10 do do Penibei tou Bros 2 roils skius Bee bo ii 3 do do A Wait 1 do do Emerson Son 2 do do Newhall 1 do do A Finney 1 do do Chase A- 1 1 do do Kittield 4 do do Vfttnm Foster 2 dodo Fitts 1 do do Hull 15 Tolls leather Hill 6 do oo Turner 34 do do James 10 do do Arnold 14 do do Tnttlo 4 do do Morey, Jr 6 do do Potter.

Jr 7 do skins Marsh Bros 3 do skins Kennan. French co 9 do do Kdfloll co 3 do do Prcctor 40 do do-J leld 48 do do-J Safford 25 do do order 41 do 6 bales skins. Merritt A Company's Express Way, Hewins Reed 31 rolls leather Tuttle 3s do do Wilson 17 do do Boyd 17 do do Boyd, co 9 do do Potter Jr 19 do do Banchor 4 dodo Lincoln, A co 1 bundle skins A Thompson A- co 9 rolls leather. Moulton and Company's Express Tuttle 10 rolls leather Hill 31 do do WMy. Uewius Keed 62 do do Feleh Bros 34 do do.

Steamer Hag A Osliorn co 11 bales hides 1 do skins Allen, Field Lawrence 2 do hides. further receipts of leather, hides, see ereitru imports.) Kerelpts of Flour. BOSTON A SD ALB A3iV K.R.i I.IIAND JUNCTION R. It. Consiatieei.

UMs.i Conrtunttt. 60H. Dana A- co. 100 Norton. Chanman co.

K'6 Nnzro A co 1) Johnson Eduiands Thaver. Brigliam Co oo Randall co 100 ioo 200 100 Total 200 i is Brigliam loo FROVjnEJTOB R. Tt. Keni ble ft Hastings 300 Crorker.Wade&Bassett 100 Barjon 100 "sm Kenible A-Hastings Scndder A- 100 Woodward. Brown co 20" Hiram Johnson.

loo loo rlunier A- co Cutting, Which co Harvey co 300 75 zovrr.T.i n. Total Total ...1875, Burbri.lge. 300 Receipts of Grain. Boston and Alhanv Railroad Order bushels oats Mend 700 do do Scuducr 700 do do 1) Morse 1200 do wheat. Boston and Lowell Railroad Order 1050 bush wheat Richardson A- co 412 do barley.

Grand Junction Railroad Carter bushels oats Lord, K.inlett co 400 do com Gallup 40 do do Doit 2000 do com. Receipts of Cotton. Boston and Albany Railroad II Thacher co 6 bales A Haines co 41 do. Steamer Flag, from Charleston Thacher co 1. Hi hales iardiier.

Stone Ac.) 23 do Fall River Mills 213 do Seaver Weld 3 do Amory 257 do Weld 4c co 31 do. Receipts of Wool. Foston and Albany Railroad Hnwland. Luce A- co 12 bale Ridge 2 sacks Parker, Wilder A- co .1 bales Wright, Goodwin Delano 24 sacks Grcenough 51 do Bailey A Jenkins 15 bales Chamberliu Bros 13 bags Hilton, Weston co 4 sacks. Boston and Maine Hsilroad Moore S5 bsgs.

Boston and Provideuce Railroad Me limes A CO 15 bags 28 sacks Field, A co 60 saeks Damon. A co 15 do Morse. Denny i co II do Hilton, Weston A co 79 do Fenno. Son A co 39 do. Steamer Forest City Soule Gould 20 bags.

Receipts or Tea. Molasses, tie. Boston and Maine Railroad Standard Sugar Refinery 92 hbils sugar. Boston and Providence Railroad Oriental Tea Co 15 half chests tea Briggs A' Shattuck 50 do do I Miiu-roe 16 do do SIocikt 13 do do Dana 100 do do Talbot A Osgood 10 do do Hull do do. New York aud New Euglaud Pierce II bbdsniolassee Chase, Raymond Aycr half chests tea.

old Colony and KewTJort Railroad Rimes Farley 24 half chests "tea Clanin, Allison A Somes 20 no do Fellow 8, Weeks A co 25 do do Cobb, Bates A Verxa 80 do. IMPORTS. LIVERPOOL. Steamer Part Ida A A Brown 30 bbls grapes 169 cases oranges 20 do lemons Lombard co 31 cases figs John Dawson Bros 17 bags hair 59 do bide cuttings Marsh, A co 2 esses machinery Baker A co 13 bales iison A Merrill 1 case 14 pkgs Darting co 1 case Smith. A co 1 do Hughes A co 2 cases hardware Pierce, It co 1 case A Gane A Sons 9 do Bartlett 1 do Wilson A Merrill 1 case 14 pkgs Nightingale A Kilton 169 bdls leather Keekerage A co 50 drums soda Greene A lease machinery Taylor, A co 1 cane Macuilar, Williams A Parker 3 do-Bartlett A 1 cask Wheelock, Jones A ce 3 pkgs' Heath.

Anderson A co 7 cases Shaw, Livonnore A co 2 do Stedman 20 pkgs earthenware Eben Wright 2 casks wine How Bros 1 case Hooper, Lewis A eo 5 do Washburn A co 2 sacks seed Morey A co trusses felt Dale Bros 1 do samples 52 pockets hops John Woods 1 case Edmunds 5 do machinery Bradford A Antbonv 3 pkgs A Spring 11 bales A 1 case Mullen, I A co 1 do Fuller, Dana A Fits )UI3 boxes tin Congdou, A co 76 bdls iron Firing A co 7 eases Chandler A co 1 do Simons Bros 2 lo Cutler Bros 4 do Lowiy 2 do Lewis Coleman A co 4 do Pingree, A 3 do Hogg, Brown A Tavlor 23 do 8 Jikgs Allen. A co lease Thomas Kelley 6 pkgs lawley, Folsom A Morton 4 do Smith Dove Manufacturing Company 2 do 11 Jackson 79 cases steel 58 bdls uo A Hardy 200 cases oranges Lapiien 2 bales mats A Hovey, A co 1 cse Churchill, Watson A co 2 do Kousmanler A Kimball 1 do 7 pkgs Shepard, Norwell A co 1 case 13 pkgs .1 Lovejov 3 bales Haveu A Wright 6 cases Dunham 2 do Ross, Pearce A co 2 do Win Wortliiugton 419 boxes fruit Tullv 102 do do 267 cases oranges Schlcgel A 1 sack lease seed Bemis Bros 10 pkgs Sargent Bros 3 do Kendall, A co 1 do Faxon, Elius A coll do Hovey A coo cases Little, Brown A co 1 do John Cuuimings 1 do-Richards A co 30 blocks tin May A co 50i boxes tin Navlor A co 137 bdls leather 4 cases steel 12 do champagne Braman, Shaw A co 2 casks Taft 145 lulls ii an Pray, Sons A co 10 bales Booth Company casks skins Spalding, Hay A Wales 4 cases 4 pkgs 1 parcel Haverhill public Library 3 cases II Cuudy 1 case Draper A Owen 2 do John Kirk 1 caso machine. ry Asa (Jray 1 case Alexander McGregor 3 pkgs Abbott A Howard h8 case3 steel Forbes. A Co 3 cases Schoenboff A Moeller 1 do Cole A- Robbins 31 do tigs 8 A Wright 24 do machinery Dee A Doyle 1 bale 1 bag seed A Snow 4 pkgs Stoddard, Levering A co 23 pkgs 1 parcel Harris, Ii A 7 pkgB 1 parcel Jordan, Marsh A co 17 pkgs 2 parcels Fowle.Torrey Aco 10 bales 2 carpets Richards 34 cases 20 bdls steel-Richards A co 716 boxes tin Knight 1 case 10 casks Cragin, Page A CO 3 cases Culioon 2 do Johnsvn, Eaton A Brackett 6 casks Springull Aco 1 case Callender 1 do 1 tierce Ewing A co 5 cases 1 parcel Smith, A co 1 case White, Brown A- co parcel 24 pkgs hite A co 12 pkgs 2 parcels-Morton, A co 2fl rails A King 92 drums soda Vermont Central Company 45 pkgs 22 cases Boston A A Ibany Railroad 15 do 32 pkgs Henry Sears 10 liases Morcy A co 1 parcel McKenzie 1 do A Hamiltou I Uo Horn-well. Kinsley A French 1 box I) Whitney 1 do Kidder, Peahody A co 83 slabs tiu 80 casks 6 cases Baring Bros 14 pkas Page, Richardson A co 121 do earthen ware Smith, A co 1 parcel aorham Rogers 2 parcels Maguire 1 case II Walker 1 parcel Tiloston 1 do Atkinson 1 package Whitney 1 do Whitney A co 1 do A Wilhains2 do lasigi 9 cases figs Hamilton, A co 20 pkgs Under A Mevcr 3S drums soda-Brown A 3 pkgs Cook 4 boxes glass-John Hall 1 box A 8 March 2 cases Warren 1 pa reel order 14 cases 3 bales 12 pkgs 15 kegs 31 casks 42 boxes oranges 35 do fruit 1E4 bales wool 25 pkgs earthenware 41 boxes tin.

Goods in Transit for Chicago Field, Leiter Aco 70 pkgs 4 cases Montgomery, Bennett A co 1 3 pkgs. trench Ooods Dodge. A 1 package Charles Pol-Iock 1 do II Cook 1 do Cndman A 2 do Ives 1 do Weeks A Potter 4 do-Wheelock. Jones A co 1 do uavioson. co I do Faxon 1 do Hersey, A co 1 do A Smith 1 do Cushing, A co 5 do Draper A Owen I do-Shepard, Norwell A co 20 do F.

Tower 3 do boodsell, BudiUon A co 2 do A Brllock 1 do How I do Frost A Adams 1 do II Tnttlo 1 package Hamilton, It A co do March Bros. A co 4 ilo Doe A liuunewell 3 do Harwood Bros 1 do II White 7 do order 4 do A Snow 3 do Stoddard. Loveriug A- co 2 do hurchill, Watson A co 2 do Osgood 4 pkgs tiay A wales 2 do Hogg, Brown A Tavlor 3 do. 8IP, Antrim-Wills, A co 0660 bags 1600 pockets linseed 54 bales buffalo hides 35 do tanned sheep skins 51 bdls bamboos Proctor 200 bales buffalo Tredick 50 do Solmina.k-er Aco 500 hags tumeric-Oi iental Powder Co.iiparTy 1115 bags i saltnetre-W Atkinson 100 chests shellai; Htt 25 skins-Whitney, Cusl in5 co 368 hags saltpetre 12 bales buffalo hides-Pickering, mslow A co SO do tanned sheep skinu-Carruth A Sweetser 2cH) linseed-J i Wllitney A co20 Iwles cow bides ,0 bfils liamboos-ordcr bales tanue.l Bkins 25 cow hides 35 do tanned sheep skins 45 bales buffalo hides 40 do goat skins 1 package nidse tierno.aRKses.B"Blda-Ua,ia,Jr08 111 BriSAadie Benson-6JO) bushels salt boxeVeusar. BriS "all 12i hhU80 Batter and Cheese Special Correspondence of The Bostou Globe RICHMOND.

March of both Butter and Cheese today at full prices; 150 boxes Cheese sold late made farm dairy at 1314e; factory 1516. Butter-Fall made has entirely disappeared; a few tubs new were offered and sold at lOe. Potatoes-Early Rose are selling at 7oo; other khvls 60c. Eggs 22i8e. Cloths Market.

March Ji'i market is dull, and 6tx4 quoted at oxuiiC ft0 Sfarket. March Cotton market is dud at lt17e for uplands and RuJfs. The Philadelphia Coal Trade. The total of anthracite coal marketed at Philadelphia for the week ending on the 2ist ult amounted to tons, and FINANCIAL. SALES AT FDKST BOARD, March 3.

Bona. Beaton CUT 8. 1 HT'f Land Cot. Cary .8 80.. 98 8 3-16 l.ttfl Chicago City 7s.

4.i do mi 30 1W 15.t4M Hart. Erie 36.. Rutl'd R'd scrip Ko.9 Union Pacific 10s income. Bortroad. 86 Boston .4 Boston lts 10 Cheshire 78 20 Eastern 72 it) Of(.

it Lake Champ. 56 20 Phila. Wil. Bait. M' 9 Port.

gaeo Pons. 1 14 21, 173 .4,006 76i! inning Co. 4 Quincy Stiteellaiieous. 4 Pullman Pal. 93 SECOND CALL.

Jjtnd Cor. IMt Bos. YVater Power. W- 4 2 lt 16 I37i Rauroan. 20 Boston Albany.

.140 8 Michigan Central. 87 3 t. SALES AT SECOND BOARD. Bona. 1M Hart ford Erie R17S S.M0 3.W0 ln.FaciflcR'd6s.

64 Union income 76 i BailroatJi. 6 Michigan Central. 3-5 Summit So Og. Lake Chump 88 Laud Cos. 50 Bos.

Water Power 150 LilJ Railroads. 1MI 11 O. C.A HOVi 175 do i Eastern Cary Imp .1 2a in lay Tuesday Evening, March 3, 1874 The money market is very dull, and there is actually no chance in rates to note. Very short dates at 5 per cent, and the average price for best double name six months paper per cent, with exceptions between the two, tell the whole story. Parties who had been taking two months paper in expectation that at the end of that time they could buy four months' notes and make a better average than to invest for six months' at once, begin to feel that there would be nothing gained by -so doing.

This makes paper move a little More readily at going rates, lenders being disposed to accept the situation and make the best of it New York funds are heavy, and go a little under par if pressed for sale. Small bills are becoming more plenty, and we shall doubtless soon have the annoyance of double-decked piles of dirty currency in ex-hange for every check drawn. What a relief to the business public, could the old "Suffolk Bank System" be inaugurated again. The bank statement of the week has no special feature, except the large decrease of nearly a million in deposits, which seems i. hard tO account iorm me preaeut uiiaiutjiu; stateof the markets generally.

The loss is largely offset, however, by the increase in the item due to other banks. In the legitimate reserve of specie and legal tenders, the net gain is nearly S100.000, legal tenders showing an increase of about half a million. The statement is conservative, the loans decreasing 432,700 in a very easy money market The following exhibits the condition of the Boston banks as compared with the previous week: Feb. 24. Mare 2.

Difference. Capital Unchanged Loans 12ti.W4.KW 126.4HlJH) Dec. $432,700 pecie 3,647. list 3.4sl.H Dec. Itt-WJ Legal Tenders 10,654.660 10.9V4.IW Due irom ouier banks 20.9M.7AO Due other 2i.3S6,H0 25.567.bU0 Inc.

7722CU Dec. JriJ.BUO 2.9U0 SWpOSlIB The market for foreign is quoted strong at 4 84 exchange in Boston for prime bankers' sixty dav bills, and 4 87i for demand. There is a good demand and fair supply of commercial bills. The feature of the market is the improving demand over that of the two weeks previous. Francs are I lower at 5 182 a 5 13, "with, little or no demand.

In New Yoik, exchange ou London is quoted at 4 84 a 4 88. The gold market has been tame, today, and operators are much in doubt which way the market will move next Opening, this mom-ins, at 1124, the price receded to 112J, and -vacillated between that and 1124; nearly all lay, tonhiiij 1123 but twice, and closed at 112, as it opened, Gpld, 1 per cent, to carry. The yew York Sub-Treasury pnsJ put only 030.000 on account of 10-40 interest, making a total of 2,4.77,000, lieiug a little more than half the amount due at that point Legal tenders remain at 382,000,000. Internal revenue receipts, 227,000. The Treasury disbursem*nts for the month of February were $14,700,000, which is exclusive of the amount paid for principal and interest of debt Receipts for customs at New York, 8530,000.

The Bank of England has gained ou balance, today, 73,000. Government bonds are lower, without exception, at a decline on an average of to per cent. Very few bonds, however, are ffering for sale, and the market would rally en a small increase in orders. The following are the closing quotations of today, compared with those of yesterday: IMareh 2. March 3.

1818 ltHi 119r a-Jtis. 1862, November 1I73, in 5-2ts, 1S64, Novf-niber llt'f llsf 5- 2fs, 1W5, November 1211 ijn'j 9-20s, W65, July 3-208, lt7, July 119 1W 6- 26S, iM, July HS'i 10-4(1 Hilt H2S ew5s 114'i lU-i Currency ilv.U 116 Ex-coupon. At the Stock Exchange, today, business was larger in some stocks, but did not extend to so many different seenrities as yesterday, and although, as a whole, developing a firmer tone, it could not be called a strong market In the morning, Water Power was the leading stock, though no sales were effected until the second call, when 850 shares changed kands, advancing to 10, against 15, yesterday. This price was not sustained, however, and, in the afternoon, sales were made at 153, closing at 15J. Cary declined to 8J, and was freely offered, while buyers at 8 are equally numerous; there were no other sales.

Boston Land has improved to 3 bid. In Railroads, the demand was better, which naturally induced firmness. Boston Albany was taken freely at 140, but it is hard to turn thatcorner. Boston Maine advanced to 109, and Eastern llaine directors had a meeting, today, to authorize their President tofsign the proposed arrangement between the two companies. looking to a more amicable business connection.

The Eastern directors have already authorized their President to sign. It is understood that a tariff -will be agreed upon for all competing points, so that the road d-iiiu? the business will be allowed 00 per cent for xpcnses, and the balance of 40 per cent to 1. -11. Uiviueu Detween the two eorDOt-atinna Michigan Central was a little firmer, advancing to 88, and the same bid. Ogdonsbnrg de- iineu 10 00, at winch price 50 shares were xaKen, and the same bid for an mnrp iwt.

land Saco has further declined to 115, and is very heavy. Pullman Palace Car fell off to 00 on a sale of 4 shares, and closed at 991 asked and 99 bid. Summit Branch advanced to Joj, ana Wilmingtcu was less firm at 55 asked, with sales at 54'. Hartfor.l jfc bonds came out more freely, today, with sales 52,060 at a decline from 215 to 2i)g, and alter tne uoara at auj, which was bid at the close. Union Pacific 0s declined to 84, and income 10s from 77 to 7CJ.

Chicago City 7s, river, were off at 99.. Boston as of 1879, registered, sold at 98; coupons would bring about 1 percent, more. The only sale of inin mg stocks, today, was Quincy at 39. At this figure, 6fi shares were taken, and more offered at the same rate. Copper Falls is a fraction higher at 243 Wd, and no stock for sale les3 than 2.5.

Allouez, 71 bid; better. Franklin 4J bid, Pewabic 7 bid, Petherick 2 bid, and Star i bid. Calumet Hecla is offered at 141. This Lake Superior mine is the richest copper mine ever worked in this country, or in any other part of the world. From 1500 to 1800 nuners and snrface laborers are employed constantly, and the product in ingot copper ia 23 to 50 tons per day, which is worth of the leading carrying iVHi their spring prices ol coal.

1 Company have fixed theirs on 1 ng Coal and iron at liiciimoiiii as folio for intra 40 for lump. uylkill egg stove. oufi ir for 4hontrmt: Sliamokin coal at $1 50 tor l- HA uX. nrr ailfl CtfV. ailCtp4 ana tor ciiesrnut LVkens Valley coal at 55 50 for egg and stoye.

ami S4 25 for chestnut. These prices average an ad vaiice of a little over 20c ton on the average prices of 1873 for the white n-ih coal. The Delaware und Hudson Coal Company announce the following as the prices for the month ot March, ou board vessels at the shipping porta near New York: Lump $4 65; steamer broken 4 75; egg $4 90: i-tove 35; chestnut $1 35. The circular prices of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company for March are the same as for coal sold outside of the auction sales during the month, delivered on board vessels at ElizabetliKo t. Tin New York and Lehigh Coal Exchange at New City has adopted the following scale of prices for March shipments at

Port Johnson aud Honokeu: $5 35 for lump, $5 30 for broken and egg, $5 45 for stove, and $150 for chestnut, being an average of S5 18 ton apainst an average of $5 10 in March. 1873. The Wilkes-barre Coal and lion Company fix prices for March at au average of $4 76 ton, only 4c I ton greater than the average March prices last year. The prices of Schuylkill coal for the line at Port Carbon for March aie fixed ivl $2 90 for lump, steamer and broken, $3 15 for egg ami stove, $2 40 for chestnut, S2 15 for chestnut No 2, and $125 for pea coal. At Schuylkill Haven the Juices are severally eight cents per ion more, and at 'ort Clinton by canal twenty cents er ton more.

The prices of Lehigh coal at Mituch Chunk for the line trade have lieen fixed lor March at $3 50 fi ton for lump, steamer, broken and egg. $3 75 for stove, S3 25 for chestnut, and $1 25 for pea. The trade at present is harmonious in all its departments, aud the indications are that with a fair market for coal the season will be fairly profitable. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Special Despatches to The Boston Globe.

KEW YORK. March 3, 2.30 PM. Flour quid; we quote Virginia State at J6 4('fe7(Hi; Virginia choice do at 97.7 25: Western extra at 35H 75 Minnesota at $6 50 Ohio shipping at 3-'hV4 7 HO; trade brands at $77 50: St Louis low extra $6 00; do straight 7 do choice at S88 50: do family 5011 50; Southern low extra $4 00: do straight $Mfti 25; do choice $6 75ft8 50; do family $8 50011 25. Wheat quiet but fumer; spring SI 4sl choice $1 53. Corn firmer at 7HW82c.

Oats quiet nut firm at Pork nominal at S15 2f4t 15 50 for March. Laid quiet at 9'tc Tallow quiet but steadv at Linseed Oil quiet: large lots 94e: jobbing lots 9tic. Whiskey quiet but steady at 6c. Freights 10xd; charters s. OSWEGO.

March 3. Flour steady nud unchanged: sales 1300 bbls. Wheat dull; sales of red State at 1 51 on track. Corn quiet at 79c. Barley dull Chnada $2 05.

CINCINNATI. March 3. Pork firm: held at $14 SO. Bacon firmer; shoulders 6)2c: clear lib W'-t clear 84J Sugar-cured Hams Cut Meats steady shoulders ft'iSiac: clear rib clear 70) Laid unchanged; steam rendered kettle rendered hiskey steady at 90e. TOLEDO.

March 3. Wheat dull aud a shade lower No 1 am lie Michigan $1 HUH for April; receipts 5900 bushels; shipments 1400 bushels. Corn firmer; high mixed for cash, for April, and 6ic for May; low mixed 60c for cash: no grade 5sc; receipts bushels 6(Ks bushels. Oats quiet; No 2 at 47c no receipts or shipment. Clover Seed $5 24.

CHICAGO. March 3, 10.00 AM. Wheat heavy and loer at SI 2f for April. 10.15 AM. Wheat unsettled and heavy at SI 20Ufor April $1 lsf for March.

Corn lower at 59c for Maicn, and me for April. 10. AM. Wheat steadv and moderately active at $1 lb 1 for cash and March, il 20s; for April, and SI 26 for May. Corn irregular, firmer and fairly active at for cash and March, and 60S for April; 64 '40 bid for May, Whiskey steady and nominally 93c.

11. WI AM Wheat shady "at SI 19 for esh. $1 is forMarch: $1 20 for April, and nominally SI 26 for May. c*nt tirin at tor cash and March. SO! 60 Vc for April, and 64 'ac for May.

Oats quiet au.t firmer and iu fair demand at 43" for cash; for April, and tor May; rejected nominally 12 M. Provisions quiet, l'ork (inner: sales at ill 00 for cash and March: nominally at Sit 37 for Aoril. Lard at $8 50 tor cash ami March 701 75 for April i.oiuinallv at io for May. Other products irregular and iu light demand. Dry salted shoulders nomiiiallv for cash and March: $5 50 for April, and for May; snort rilw nominally $7 37 for cash aud March, $7 45 for April ami 7Ci7f7 for Mav: short clear nominally at $1 for cash and for May, all loose.

12.30 PM. Flour dull and unchanged deinind limited good to choice spring extra at M'iH 00. Wheat irregular and iroderatclv active at $1 18'4ril 19 for cash, 1 ls: for March, 51 20 for April; offereil at tl 26 tor Mav; No 1 at 2Irl2lt: No 3 $1 rejected offered at $1 09. Rye quiet saleable at 8 tc for regular nnd s.Sc for fresh. Barley inactive: sole cash California at $1 97 grades nominally unchanged.

Whiskey dull: 12.55 P.M. Corn easier and unsettled at for c8h and March. SstniiOc for April, and W.c for Mav; new No 3 51c; old rejected rejected 51 1 Onts quiet and easier at for cash; 4.V,ri-!.Vc for April, ami 47c for May. Rve lirul; sales fresh at Dressed Hogs inactive; light grade (i1.

c. 1.1a PM. Oats quiet and steady at 4 ll3e for cash; 4.1-c for April, and 47c for Mav. Kyc steady and un-elodicei'. Barley dull: No 2 uoiniiiallv 81 5" 1 No 3 at 1 rejectnl 2.1 2S; choice Calif irnia timi tl Hi do.

hiskey easier aud unsettled repot Ud sales it 92c. 1.30 PM. Pork firmerat $14 I5forcash and March. $14 45 for April and $14 1i' 75 Tor May. Lard quiet at 5i fis 5.

for cash and March, 75 for April, and for May. Cut Meats quiet; shoulders at for April and for May. P.M. Wheat steadv at $1 1 for March. $1 1 Sii'i for April.

Corn firmer at lor March, and for April. Receipts mho Shipments Flour Receipts 15.822 bbls: shipuicnts 7316 bbls. Wheat Receipts 122,310 bushels; shipments bushels. Corn Receipts Si.HVi busli-els: shipmeuts liM7 bushels. Oats Receipts :i.V0 bushels; bhij-nieuts 9et'9 bushels.

1 ve ISecfipts 2H00 bushels; sliipnients Tit bushels. Barley Uei-' ii.ia 16.570 btixheln; 10,35 I'UsUvlSi Dressed Iiogs Receipts head. MILWAUKEE. March 3, 9.S0 AM. Wlient unsettled; No I Milwaukee $1 26: No 2 at $1 22 for cash, $1 for April, and $1 27'i tor Mav.

nut) AM. Wheat Meadv: No I at $1 25: No 2 at SI 21V for cash. 81 23'4 for April, and $1 27'j for May; receipts 47.0MI shipments W.oyn ho-hels. 12. I'M.

Flour unchanged double extra uprlna 5 7' receipts 6i0 bbls: shipments 6000 bbls. WtnMit weak; No 1 atfl-'S'i; No 2 for cash. $1 for April, and 1 27 for May. Corn firm; high mixed 57c. Oats tii in; No 2 at 42c.

Rye quiet; No 1 at 79c. Baiiev nominal; No2spiing $1 00.. 1.10 PM. Wheat steady: No 1 at Si N'o 2 at $1 21V for rash. $1 23 lor April, and $1 27 for May.

ST LOUIS. March 3, 12.14 I'M. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat firmer: No 2 spring No 3 red 81 44. Corn dull at 611c in elevator.

Oats steady at on East track. In Rye nothing Barley dull and lower: No 3 spring Mii I 60. Whiskey drill at Me. Provisions dull aud nothing doing. Lard quiet: hlc asked, 8'4c bid.

1 I'M dull and little doing. ri5v the American Press NEW YORK, March 3. Flour quiet but steady at lo for superfine State, and 6 4'i(i 40 tor extra do: for choice do; $65(ir6su for fancy do; $5 Hi for superfine Western: 3048.40 for common to medium extra Western; ti 5-iii K4 forcboica do; $6 65(1(7 35 for common to choice white heat Western extra; $6 6i for common to good shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio; 8607 65 for trade liiimils: .453 7 13 for common to fair extra St Louis, and $7 2Ci UO for good to choice do. Southern Flour steady ith a fair demand at $6 54 for common to fair extia. and 7 (H 11 00 for good to choice do.

Rye Flour dull at 75ffi-4Mi. heat less active and scarcely so firm: we ouote $1 50 for No 2 Chicago spring: $1.42 fol 03 for No 2 Milwaukee, latter price last evening, and for Ioa and Minnesota spring. Rye dull at 1 02. Barlev quiet anil heavy; Hhv Quiiite $2: prime French $205, delivered. Barlev Malt dull and unchanged.

Corn alsiut lc bett-ir; 79c for new Western mixed afloat. Oats a shade firmer at for mixed Western, and 622 63 'c for wnite do. Provisions The market for Pork was quiet at M5 so for new mess, $13 50 for extra prime, ami 814 for prime mess. Beef unchanged at $10 5041100 for plain mess. $12 00 lor ex-tra mess, aim $15 for packet.

Beet Hams were quiet at for W'estern. fierce Beef unchanged at $211.22 for prime mess, an.l $24425 for India mess. Cut Meats unchanged at 103c for short cut bams, and Kc for drv salted shoulders: middles steady at 8 7-hio for lone clear. BALTIMORE, March 3. Market for Flour dull and unchanged: sales Howard street superfine do extra (56 75; do family 87 24i825; City Mills superfine 7j; do extra $7 8 50: do family $9nla 74: Western superfine 75; do extra irt6 75; do family J7i58 55.

Wheat quiet; choice white at $1 80o, 90; Pennsylvania red $1 671.1 71 Ohio and Indiana red $1 .40 01 65. Provisions quiet. Mess l'ork 25. Bulk Meats nominal; 110 round lots selling; shoulders 6c: clear rib sides Bacon Shoulders char rib sides ic. Sugar-cured Hains 12i.l3e.

Lard $9 2.5. Western Butter firm; lolls 4u12c; tub4i4c. Coflee stiong; good to prime Rio cargoes Whiskey dull aud weak at CATJXK MARKETS. Special Despatches to The Boston Globe ALLERTON YARDS, New York. March ceipts of Hogs EAST BUFFALO.

March 3. Receipts ot Hogs 4000 bead; shipments 2500: sales HOO; Yorkers selling at $.4 25(3 90; heavy hogs selling at 6J5 90. Market dull. PITTSP.ITRG. March 3.

Receipts of nois 25 cars; shipments 19 cars; sales at $.5 10; choice $i4 35. CINCINNATI. March 3. Live Hogs irregular; common or mixed lots light grades S4 10r.5 to; good to choice light grades receipts 2426; shipments UNION STOCK YARDS. Illinois.

March 3. 9.30 AM. Receipts of Hogs for the day estimated at 11,090 il2.0Co: oflicial receipts yesterday ll.twt; market very dull and nominally lewer; range $4 2745 69. 11 AM. Receipts of Hogs for the day estimated at market very dull: nothing doing; stock large; 6j6 lee lower on lair to good; 15D2.4o lower on common; rough heavy $4 25a.l 50; light $4 00S5; choice $5 50.

Cattle dull aud nominal. ST LOUIS, March 3. Live Hogs quiet: lightweight $4 4 75; heavy $55 50; partial receipts 444; shipments 5s. COTTON MARKETS. Special Despatches to The Boston Globe.

NEW YORK, March 3. Net receipts 1490 bales; gross receipts 1490 bales; sales 1337 bales; stock on hand balts. Market dull; middlings 16c. PHILADELPHIA. March 3.

Net receipts 82 bales. BALTIMORE, March 3. Net receipts 300 bales: gross receipts 329 bales; exports to Great Britain 300 bales; exports coastwise 131 bales; sales 29 bales; stock on band 14.924 bales. Market dull; mtddliugs ISV'o. CINCINNATI.

March 3. Receipts 885 bales: shipments 714 bales; stock on hand 15,935 bales. Market dull; middlings 15'4'c. LOUISVILLE. March quiet; middlings MEMPHIS, Marsh 1708 bales: shipments 1216 bales: stoclc on hand bales.

Market dull aud unchanged: low middlings NORFOLK. March 3. Net receipts 476 bales: gross receipts 470 bales; exports coastwise 1735 bales; sales 2t0 bales: stock on hand 15,322 bales. Market quiet aud little doing; low middlings 14' ac. WILMINGTON, NO.

March 3. Net receipts 114 bales; exports coastwise 308 bales; no sales; stock on hand 2426 bales. Market quiet and nominal middlings Uo. CHARLESTON. March receipts 802 bales; gross receipts 94b liales: exports to the Continent 144i bales: exports ccastwise 311 liales: sales lone bales; stock 011 hand 59.0.-9 bales.

Market depressed; middlings 15c. SAVANNAH. March 3. Net receipts 1344 bales; eross receipts bales; exports to the Continent 7IH bales; exports coastwise iii9 bales; sales 513 bales: stock on hand V.738 bales. Market quiet; middlings AUGUSTA, March 3.

Receipts 43S bales; sales 079 bales. Market quiet and weak; middlings 15c. MOBILE. March Net receipts 1251 bales; gross receipts 1251 bales; exports coastwise 450 bales; sales ldOO baler; stock on hand 59.213 bales. Market quiet and easy; middling I6A4C NEW ORLEANS.

March 3. Ket receipts IW49 biles: gross receipts 6443 bales; exports to Great Britain 14,120 V. Civri for broken. Sf i ii ai fr ciiestmit: Sell 41 ss for egg. 4 H5 foi nt- Grace 44 ood vine, daughter of Dr.andMrrTV?Iw-.

vine, I montliK. HOI.MFS In T. Kingsbury, only child of A. Holmes. 6 weeks 3 davs.

If iL ud Ut2 Cbarlestown.27tholt. THOMPSON. In Cambnf Thompson. 78 years months. tatt- Pji.

Fnneral ouriidav, at II A rilM-instreet. R.UUveatu.d, Hose, 1 JACOBS. In iledford. 1st inst x- Deacon Roland Jacolw. 72 vearn tmily.

wif. FOSTER. In Taunton. 2d Inst vn-. CH A Newbnry HanS widow of Captain Mosei yire 800 BwV.TKHAnrs.An,,.? wr? ruiiiPlion Ar dies V.

"Wt Cf Araw. mootiij Standish, Me, Id in. if OT Mr, PAINEn standi fdlnti? wife of the late Freeman STETSON In Fnirhan "nontbs. on. 7.4 yes rs.

51 Sn0, 3URNKK, ir. 'ioie Janeiro. of Tellnwf. only son of Mrs. It! A.

iSr rfVl L. 1 urcer Mass. iLrgal Xcticrs. CHUSETTS. St FKOI.K.

aa all persons interested in tbe lands nf O'DONNELL, late of Boston, la sai.1 seiztd in this State: 4Vbereas.RoMun.f2?"?. said Boston hss presented to said Court representing that she is the winow of and entitled to dower in his said land ai.1- tnat i ne same may be assigned to her bv sili 'J Provided by law; yu are hereby cited robate Court, to be bolden at said bL I1 DAY. the ninth day of March In the forenoon, to show cause, if any vm the fame. And said petitioner is this citation by delivering a copy herenf son interested, fourteen days before said publishing the same once a week, for thTL'J" sive weeks, in The Boston DailyGlobe ril0' printed at said Boston, the last puMieitjVu, .1 oavs. at least, before said Court.

Iw two Witness. Isaac Ames, Esquire, Joi'm. nr this eleventh day of February, fn UiTtVI 5lOTn-and eight bundled aud seventy four ftt-mjgg SUFFOLK.SS. SUPREME JUmCIAf COURT. IX EQIITV.

ilAh COMMONWEALTH, BY DEPUTY rVSCPv-p COMMISSIONER, s. SHOE AND LEATHER DEALERS' RINE INSURANCE COMPASY. P.espectfnlly represents the Becelrers to the iW, entnled case, that they know no reason why the stvU of said Comnany should not now be tinaliv settA im elosed; that they have converted into money Coniarjy; that they herewith sshaiit heir final account, marked A. showing their recfcroj, disbursem*nt, and charges, and balaaee in band- 25 a list of persons to whom dividends upon uneinxt premiums are due. ahicn is marked B.and pray tii said account may be allowed, and that niiv betr-deredio pay such fical dividend upon losnen to er.

ltors. and such dividend upon unearned premium to the Court may seem reasonable and proper, aMJat tbey may be uischarged from the trust. JOHN C. ABBOTT.) AMOS P. TAPLKY.S Beeeh-Rv.

JOHN CUMMIN G. SCFFOLK.CS. St PKKHK JUICI ALCortT. AT Cbahbebs. February Uf on the above iietition, it is ordered that xh if day of March, 1874.

and ten of the clock A. time for a bearing upon said petition and account, fore the Court, 1:1 the Court House in Boston; tiisit said Receivers give notice thereof to all person, met-ested in said Company as creditors or otherie a publishing a copy of this order in fouroaily ng printed iu Boston, for seven days before said and that a copy thereof be delivered at least foar.rti before tbe time appointed to the Attorney-Genera the Commonwealth. HAS. DEVENS, Justice S. J.t A true copy of said petition and order.

Attest: GEO. W. NT CHOI-. Asst. fieri.

in Uanfcrupim rimiS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That JL on the xt day of February, A. D. 1874. iramai a lwnkruptcy was issued against the estate of WILLIAM E. BEAN of Somerville, in the County nr Middlemasi State of Massachusetts, who has been kt(-mpton bis own petition: that the payment or snvfeei and tbe delivery of any property, bekmgia; to bankrupt, to him or for his use.

and tbe trauftxrf any property by him. are forbidden bv lav: uut. meeting of tne creditors of the said bankrupt, to kw their debts, and tochorse one or more ass gims of tot estate, will be held at a Court of Bankratxc, to keMt-cn at United States Court House. Boston, before fcaaf J.Sheiman. EegisterjOn the 21st oavof MjipSl A.

1. lo74. at 12 C. hot, AND CiHUi, C. Marshal.

Mass. Mrssenger. "VOTICE is hereby riven that the orakr- feigned have been duly chosen assignees of tb estate of Samuel Vance, a bankrupt. WILLIAM S. FATON.l ALBERT Boston, February -n.

IN BANKRUPTCY" DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS. ss. Notlee Is berebv giyfo tie tbe undersigned has been appointed aixie tl ur estate of George A. Sawver of Watertown, MiM-Judged a bankrupt npouhls own pe'irino. EDGAR 4V.

South FrarolnRbam, January 17. 1974. DIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: Tkt on tbe 27th day of February, A. D. I4.

Vex In Bankmptev was issned against the esav HOMEIt R. STRATTON of Greenrield. In the Cr Franklin and State of MMMchnsti, wbo hM brt ndged a bankrupt on bis own petition tut tbe nyae of any debts, and he delivery of any property. btwra! to such baukrnpt, to hint or for hi ose.snl to mater of any prort by him are fi-rbeidea 6r bv; that a tn jeting of the creditors of th said to prove their debts, and to choose one ar mre Assignees of bis estate, wiil be held at a Court of Biti-runtcy. to beholden at the Court Hoase in slid (r lieid.

and before I. F. Conkey. Esq Register, en 17th dav of March. A D.

1-74. at 12 dork M. BOL.44B G. I 11 Kit, U. S.

Marshal. Mass. bhttict. as Mar feenger. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA la the District Court of the Unite! Saws DiFtrict of Massachusf-tts.

In the nutter ot WILLIAM H. FERRIS, by whom a ieiitioo for of bankruptcy was liled on tbe Unth dv of Jmsmtj. a. D. 1K74.

in said eurt. In Bankroptcy. At said district, on the 7th day of Krbraary. A.P.iJ before Edgar Sherman, oue of the Bist court in bankmrxcy. nm YV herea s.

on he seventh day of February. A o. Charles Curtis of Boston, in the County ot State of Massachusetts, was duly chosen As5 the estate of said Ferris. I. the undersigned, a Register of tie baukxuptcv.

do hereby order (there bern no interest) that the said assignee fanmedistely i of his appointment by publication, at least for three successive weeks, in each ot Uif Ei per 3 calif The Botin Globe and Bost veuing Traveller, printed In Boston. EDGAR J.SHERMAX. Register in tniJupKT- Ctiij of iJoston. OTICE TO ABUTTERS ONBB01T Tlie Committee on Paving directed by tne Aldermen to "consider the expediency of 'fya, cousiuer 1 ne npnucn trrm STREET to ATLAKT1C AVESl with raid avenue at 1 will hear all persons interested 1 1 name of tiROAt its intersection federal street "will 1 I'lirffsillAT. jiji" i 174.

at 4 oVlock P. the tares C-2Mnttee Bosa. City Hall. LR'CUTIJA, Chairman Committee on Panaf- OTICE TO CONTRACT0BS. I'roposals for omisbiua- tbe City of Bostes vtitli Beach Gravel.

Sealed proposals will bo received at the oflit41, Snperintendent of Streets. City Hall. Boe.a THURSDAY. March 19, ls74. twelve o'cloek supplying the Beach Geavkl.

required by Hat rt DejiaJtment during tbe year IC74. fM The gravel mast lie the beat sea-washed ryeL from stones and earth, to be delivered id sach 9" ties, at such times, and npon such whrv "ltfc eg of Boston as may be designated from time to haw the Superintendent of St re- ts. The srccessfnl bidder will be required to PTT' with sureties satisfactory to tbe Committee oa for the faithful performance of the eonttwt- The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals to state the price per ton, tncladiriirj; tor's fees; to be endorsed. 'Proposals tot Gravel," aud addressed to the CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE ON PAvTN OTICE TO CONTRACT0BS. Proposals for ftradinje Streets on the Bar District.

Sealed Proposals will be received at toes; nl Snperintendent of Streets, City Hd, THURSDAY, March 12th. 1S74, TWW-V ''faeti for tilling with the fcf-f quality of HtU 'iT'ttf' atr. of Conarrss. Pearl. Kilbr, OHer.

Haves Lintlall, Central and Hattery" streets and Liberty Square, which are to tbe grades established by the Board of January 1 and October 30. 1S7J. Tbe work to be commenced Immediately ectition of a contract, and completed working days, to the entire satisfaction of Uie tendent of Streets. lot1 Proposals to state the pnee per ru siii mavel delivered aud spread upon tne "nTvsi measured by the Cily Surveyor on tn ruZniiDt the work. No allowance to be maoe shrinaage.

The right is reserved to reject any or PYoposaU to oe endorseo: Vl'lZTZi t.i -b Streets on Burnt District." ano fddien vre. CHAIRMAN COMMIT tn revs. LL. D. Hh rtodeat Dr.

llumphreos continues to read wltBi Harvard aud Oxford, and also with fr Literature and Chnwics. Ho la Pf" JJ! 10 Bf7 the following gentlemen. Rev. E-- 5" and Cambridge-Rev. Fl.iHips Brooki.

YVells. D. Kev. A. HY bton.

D-DJy Krans; Prof. Goodwin. Prof. E. w-SVf HJ FacultV.

Irof. F. Bowen, Prof. G. M--orce University; R.

M. Mason. fc.q-; MHonT lard; Hon. Winslow Lewis. MJ tirees' YVinthrop; Robert M.Cnshnig.-.C" Hon.

Richard Fro. bingham-. Bishop Clark. D. D.

R. 1.: Rg ht Bev. ify Cf ton. Central N. Y-; Rev.

Dr. jSZv ta and many other eminent men in New ford and Cmbridge, England. isJ Columbns avenue, leb.2i, Pittsburg Petroleum Market. Secial Despatch to The Boston Globe. PITTSBURG.

March 3. Rouseville quiet but held til met quoted at $1 85. Tideoute quiet but firm at I Mi.l fii. Petroleum Centre very quiet at SI 90. Parker's quiet and nominal; Uidon $1 80: other lines $175.

Oil City nominally SI 90: nothing doing. Titus- file dull and nothing doing; nominally $22 92). FOiLEION MARKETS. Special Despatches to The Boston Globs. LONDON, March 3.

Noon. rBeerhohm's Floating cargoes of Wheat firmer aud held higher for reds, but lower lor whites. Moating cargoes of Corn steadily held. Cargoes of Wheat aud Corn on passage or for shipment iu rather more inquiry. Good cargoes No 2 spring Wheat on' the coast, 40 lbs, sea damage, for sellers' account, less usual 2)i per cent commission.

5t lr.57B. Good cargoes California Wheat off the coast, Irt quarter of 500 lbs. 60x6ls F'air average mixed American Corn for shipment duriug two months fol lowing the present one, bv sail, to yueenstown for orders. 480 lbs, American terms, 3.4s35s 6d. LIVERPOOL.

March 3. 12.36 PM. Flour 27s fid. Winter Wheat 12s! 12s 6d; spring do lis California average do f2s 6d12s 8d; do club do lis 9d13s. Corn 36a 9d.

Barley 3s 6d. Oats 3s 4d. Peas 46s. Pork 62s 6d. Beef 85s.

Bacou 39s for long clear middles. Lard 43s. Tallow 37s 9d. Cheese Imports of -Wheat into the United Kingdom for the past throe days 11,000 quarters, of hich 10,000 were Americ.iu.

2.30 PM. Breadstuff's firmer. Spring Wheat lis 3d lis lid: California average lis 4I12s 7l: doehib Pis 8d i 138. Corn l'ork Bis lid. The weather throughout England is fair.

Spot AMieat firmer. Spot Corn Bteadv. California average Wheat lis 4dI2s (Ml. By Atlantic Cable. LIVERPOOL, March 3.

Cotton easier, and prices declined a fraction: middling uplands do Orleans sales 12.000 bales, including 2000 for spacn-latiou and export. Of the sales, 7900 bales were American. FREIGHTS. CALCUTTA, January 23. For the United States two charters are reiiorted for New York at $9.

the same rate as advised last week, and from Boston one ice ship has arrived, which ill undoubtedly return there. For Boston The Anna Decat ur fl044 tons, no class), just arrived from there, will return under charter; the Winged Hunter has engaged tons linseed to fill up at $9 50: the Alaska has let out 1000i2(iUO bags linseed at $10, and about 100 cases indigo at $14. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. From.

For. Date. Soutbampton.New York. Feb 20 Antwerp Puilaitolhia.Feb 20 Liverpool New York. 21 Olasgow New York.

21 Liverpool New Feb 21 Li verpool Phildel phia.Feb 21 Kio Janeiro. Feb 23 Li verjKioI Boston Feb 24 Name. Number Nederhmd Abyssinia Anglia Wyoming Merrimack Olympus Denmark Harold Haarfarger. Irisia Manhattan Ohio Snaiu ew pen to New York. 25 New Feb 24 New Feb 25 Phildelphia Feb 25 Liverpool New noricregin State of Pennsylvania.

Glasgow, TO DEPART, nammnnla City of Havana Hambursr. Havana via Nassau NP. Meh Mch Mch Bristol Mch Mch Mch Atlas Adriatic Cauiina Cornwall ElVHia P.liein St l.anieut Andes italv Bremen Men York Mch Mch New York uardiii. York Mch Staie of Pennsylvania. New York Jleli 1 7 City of Montreal New York franklin.

York. Stcttiu Men 7 Herder Idaho. Stemmmi Oraf Bismarck Castalia Abyssinia Y'ork Liverpool. Y'ork York Hamburg. 10 10 10 10 ew Yorg Antwerp.

11 Y'ork Mch 11 II York- Liverpool. 11 Mch 12 The steamers designated by au asterisk l) carry the lilted States mails. ARRIVAL AM) CLOSING) OK THE AT BOSTON POST-OEFICE. ARRIVE. Northern Mall A.

TJi V. Eastern Mail 6', P. 8 P.M. Western Mail 2 and ll A. 4'J P.

M. Southern Uil laud tii A. 5J P. M. CLOSE.

Northern Mall .4 A. 4 p. M. Eastern Mail 9 A. M.

ami 7 P.M. Western Mail 5 A. 51 1 and 4 P.M. Soul hem Mail i A. 2 aud 8 P.M.

MINIATURE ALMANAC. 4. Bun rises. SI I MOON 7 24 A.M. SCN Set a .4 TO.1.12 14 A.

M. Lbhsi'h or 1 DA vs. ...11 i .12 3JP.M. MAIJINE JOURNAL. PORT OF BOSTON.

Wednesday, March -I. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Stffliiier Hag. Foster, Charleston, SC. to Edward Keinble.

Steamer Forest City. Donovan. Portland. lulg Addie Benson I Br), Rawdoii. Anguilla Feb 9 via Vineyard Haven.

Brig Ida (Br). O'Brien, Ponce Feb 11. with molasses to Dana Bros. P.rig Daisy Br), Essex, Havana Feb 16, with sugar lo iluunis A Hall. Sch Lirzle lit).

Waters. St John, NB. Si ll iliiam Daislev. Brown, Virginia. Sell Tower, Jenkins, Yiminia.

Sch Oliver Ames, French. Baltimore. Sch Vanglian, Nieki rson. Proviucerown. CLEARED YESTERDAY.

ronstos Barques Alliert (Br). Ihibbanl. Malaga. by Oweu Beaise A to: Isoliua Br), Huphes. for l'ork or 1 almoutb.

by Henry Scars A Co; A Small (Br), O'Brien. Cienfucgos, Benj Burgess A Co; brig Forest Prince. (Br). Carroll. Halifax.

Dana Bros: schs Druid Bri. lleisler, Lnueuburir, NS, by Sprague, Soule A Co; Little Annie. Rolierts. St John. KB.

Harris. Also cleared, brig Ncbo (Br. Lewis, St Al lloxie A o. Coastwipk Steamers 5eorge Appold, Loveland.for Baltimore, via Norfolk, by Sampson: Forest City. Donovan, for Portland, by Wllltpiii Weeks; sch Prescott Hazeltine, McDcnald, Jacksonville.

MEM Sailed, steamer George Appold; and from the Roads, ship Pride of the Port. At auchor in the Roads, barque Albert, "Nothing in sight" reported at sunset. ind 8SW, light. Baltimore, Md. March 3 William Gilbert was killed and Stepheu Durgan fatally injured by falling from the yard ai of the barque Daniel Draper of Bostou.

VESSEL PROPERTY A bill was passed in the. National House to issue an American register to barque Azor. now called barque Fredonia, an American built vessel, employed as a packet between the Island of Fayal anil Boston. Mass, hieh had been transferred to a British siileet iu 18K1. and rctrausferred to the heirs or Charles Dabney.

late Consul of tbe United States at tbe Island of Fayal. Sell Mary A Elira. of Boston. 183 tons register, built at Calais. Me.

in 1867. has licen sold by ,1 Linnell to apt Hurst, aud others, of Kittcry Me, for $8600, cash. SlilPBUlLDING-At Kennebunkport. Me. Capt Thompson will launch on the 18th iust a ship of 2209 tons.

He also has a three-masted schooner of 590 tons 'to be off in March, and one of .450 tons, to be off in April The keel Is also laid for a ship of 0450 tons, to be off in June. This will le the largest ship ever built iu Eastern waters, and will be named Ocean King. At South Frceport, Me. Capt Enos Soule will build two ships the coming season, one of 1300, the other of 1400 tons. At Frceport.

Messrs Cushing A Means are building a white oak ship of 12(H) tons. At Brunswick. Charles Pennell will build a ship of 1350 tens this season, and Samuel Skolrleld A Son a ship of 1K 0 tons. At Castine, a schooner of 300 tons will be built this seat-on for Capt 1 Hutchinson, late ot the schooner Annie Whiting. At Bristol.

Messrf George Greenman Co are putting up a three-masted schooner of 353 tons tor Stuiges A Co of Boston. MEMORANDA. Brig Mary Fink, from New York for Havana, pat into Bermuda Feb 14. with less of topmasts and sails. Scb 44 Rawlev, at New Bedford for repairs, has been taken upon the marine railway.

Fifteen feet of the shoe forward, and 10 feet aft were found to be gone, the fore foot partly huockedotf. and the oakum worked out from the starboard streak and many of the burs. Sch America. St Johus. NF, for Boston, with a cargo or oil and fish, put into Bermuda Fcd 16, short of provisions and crew frostbitten.

Ship Oasis Br), Raymond, fm Savannah for Bremen, was spoken Feb 13. lat 47. Ion 39, waterlogged, ami all Lands working at the pumps. She received assistance from a passing vessel. A Bermuda letter of the 26th nit.

states that the steamer Rising Star arrived off those islands on the night of Feb 14 In a sinking condition. She was taken to tho Navy Yard at St Georges aud upon the camber, leaking three feet per hour. Tbe cargo has been discharged and she will go Into tbe dock. She bad a narrow cscope from foundering with all on board, as her boilers got adrift and the steam pipe was nearly broken in twain. By the arrival at this port yesterday of the brig Mississippi, Capt IT, a reliant, from Demerara, tbe first authentic account of tbe result of tbe race between that tine vessel and the brig Silas Martin, Capt Brown, has been received.

It will be remembered that the Mississippi aud the Martin left this port in compauy on Jan 10 for Denicrara, and it was understood that a race was intended. The Mississippi had a deck load of 104 sheep, which prevented her using all the canvas she bad. and the Martin arrived at Denierara sixteen hours ahead. The Mississippi made the round trip In 49 days, which is remarkably good time, although. on the boiue-waid vovage, she wrs driven off tbe Capes and detained several davs bv head winds.

The Silas Martin had sailed from Denierara for St Thomas. Baltimore paper, March 2, The number of vessels belonging to. or bound to or from ports in the United States, reported totally lost and missing during the past month, is 36, of which 17 were wrecked. 9 abandoned. 3 foundered, 2 burned, and 2 are miffing.

They are classed as follows 3 steamers, 'ships. 10 barques. 6 brigs, and 12 schooners anil tiieir total value, exclusive of cargoes, is estimated at 25.600. WHALERS. Sailed from Proviucctowa 2d.

sch Mary Simmons. Rich. Atlantic Ocean. letters received from Cant WliitA a barque Courser, reports matters progressing very slowly in the suit brought before a Chilian tribunal at Valparaiso to recover from the steamship company the loss sustained by the sinking of the Courser. Capt was ai.xiously looking for some one trom New Bedford to relieve hiui.


Xo better illustration of dulaess and stagnation in finance, trade and commerce can be given than the extreme low grades for money, and the enormous falling off in produce exports from this port, as represented by this week's official custom house statement. This afternoon, money was offered with unusual freedom at 2 to 3 per ceat. on call, and'it seemed as if the whole capital of the country was to be-obtained in Wall street for the mere asking thereof. So much for money, and bow for the export trade. Custom house figures, this week, show a decrease of as compared with last week, the total clearances being only the lowest for any one week for a long time.

Foreign Exchange was heavy and lower, this after noon, closing at 4 a 4 83 for bankers' sixty-day sterling, and 4 $C3i a 4 87 for demand. The customs receipts, today, were $503,000. Gold opened and closed at 112'i, th intermediate transactions having been at 1123i and The rates paid for carrying, today, ranged from 4 per cent, to flat. The Assistant Treasurer paid out, today, 000 oh account of interest, and in redemption of 5-20 bonds. Government bonds were steady at the close, with the exception of fives of 1881, which were active, and advanced from 114V, to 114.

The total exports of produce from this port for the week ending today, amounted to mixed values, which it a decrease from last week. The exports from the corresponding period last year were $3,252,008, and fr 1S72 $5,073,113. The total exports since January 1, this year, are $47,412,340, against $44,299,973 last year, and $3737,311 in 1S72. The operations of the Gold Exchange Bank, today, were: Gold balances, currency balances, gross clearances, $49,042,000. The Stock market during the last hour of busiues was weak at the lowest priee3 current, but iu the final dealings a steadier tone prevailed throughout.

Hardly any recovery was made, and the decline for the day ranged from to 2'i per cent. Tho decline was acsisteil by the further postponement of the financial question in the Senate, a rumor that the June dividend on Northwestern prcferretl wonld be passed, and the offering of tho August dividend on Lake Shore at 2 per cent. Railroad bonds were dull." Central Pacific bonds cloed at 05 a 9514; Union Pacific firsts at 838 a 85; Union Pacific land grants at 82 a 82; and Union Pacific incomes at 77 a 78; Boston, Hartford Erie firsts, 22 bid; Boston, Hartford Erio guaranteed, 43 bid. State bonds were quiet and firm. Xew York registered bounty loan brought 107, Missouri 6s advanced to 96, aud Tennessee old boutU sold at 89; cx-coupon at 69.

The latest bids were as follows: Connecticut 6s 101 Rhode Island (js Iihi Kentucky bs liHi'a- Mifsouri 6s i)d)i North Carolina 6s, old. do Jan. July 23 lo. Funding act, 18b N. V.

R. K. JU1. 18 2. It.

Ii. April Missouri Asjluniof 1 Oct 19 University do. Speeial Tax do, clasR 9'i Tennessee os. do. old, ex-coupon.

do. new new ex-ronpon new series do. class 2 9 do. ciaas 3 K9 8 M1 11 7 7 63 South Carolina Hg i't do. Jan.

July )', do. April hs IS do. Funding act, 11 Virginia Us. old no. consols do.

deterred Georgia (is Ueoiaia new do is, do. 7s, gold bonds. Pacific Railroad Securities were as follows: Central Facifle firsts pac. land grants tt Sd.V I'niuu Pac. ins 77'.

nion ac. tirsts The following wero the closing prices of stocks: New Tort Central i Central Pacific liudscu uoiuiunus. tucugo Harlem Indiana 30 Hannibal St. Joseph Ii I do. pref ilti iHUIOhioas 3U; trie do Lake hliore Toledo i ostn, Hartford Xorthwepteni Erie do.

preferred 1 Panama Rook Island lWji Western fnion Fort avne 95 i At. Pac. Telegraph Milwaukee St. Paul. 42 Pacific Mail do.

preferred Quicksilver com Cleveland Piltghurg do.pref eiaware. 1-aekawan- Adams Express Ub'i ltvii na Western elis. to K.J. Central In" American Merchants' Michigan Central I L'nion 63, Illinois Central 104 United States 70 Union Pacific BT CABU5 TO THE BOSTON GLOBE, tosroir, March 3, 12.50 P. M.

Consols SlfMB'. Lowdom ERI March 3. 12.30 p. JT. do.

preferred, 67; P. M.4i)i 4 P. M. 43. Ioxdox, March 3.

2.S0 P. M. Censols, PA BIS, March 3. Rentes 50c. Losdox.

Mareli 3. 4 P. M. The amount of bullion gone into the Hank of 'England on balance, today, is JiTs.iMI. Paris.

March 3, 4 P. f. Rentes 59f. ilia. Lokdox, March 3, 3 P.

M. Consols BOSTON MARKET. TUESDAY, March 3. FLOUR The market remains dull, and prices are unchanged. We quote Western superfine at.

W) bbl; common extras at A'HqSe 75: Wisconsin and Minnesota extras at S6 5)8 (HI; white wheat Ohio. Indiana and Michigan at $7 00(89 00; Illinois at $7 V5, aud St Louis at 7 Wll 00 bbl, including choice family brands. Southern Hour Is quiet at (6 I't 11 (0 'm bbl for common extras and choice family, and lancv Minnesota 9 aolO 75. Receipts 'i75 bbls. CORN Market firm at Stiftstjc 5 bushel for new mixed and yellow.

Receipts 200 bushels. OATS Market firm at 27c ii bushel for brown and white. Receipts bushels. BAR LEV Receipts 4 Pi bushels. WHEAT Receipts 22-W bushels, RYE Sales at 1 101 12 'H bushel.

SHORTS Shorts. Pino Eeed and Middrinss $2730 1 ton. APPLES The market continues firm, aud the stock is much reduced. We quote Russets at So 50(f4 00 Ureenmgs S5t 50: Baldwins So uo. BEAJiS We quote choice Northern hand-picked pea beans at $2 Si bush do Western hanrt-pieked at 2 iUp i 50 busb do common at $2 10 bush medium, choice at $2 19 bnsn; uo common at $1 o04) 2 00 ifl bush.

Receipts 114 bbls. PICAS tiood to choice 91 201 40 53 bushel; common $Kil M.5 ETABLES Potatoes in fair supply; Early Rose fllfr 05: Jackson (sjMuoc: other kinds 'iSfebOc. Onions 00 bbl. CRAMJERRIES-We fiuote Cape at $1315 Mbbl; cenntrv PROV1SIONM Market for Pork steady at S14 50 (SIT) CO for prime, (16 50(17 00 for mess, nd $120 bbl for clear and extra clear, lleef ranges frorn'll 14 '4i bbl tor mess and extra mess, and $16 5017 00 for fainjly. Lard K'aio'c fi lb for city and Western, and blocked Hams 5 fi.

BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET. rCorrected every day by C. C. Chamberlln commission merchants. 79 and 81 Faneull Hall Market.

PRICES CCBBEHT. BUTTER. The market rules steady, with a good demand for the several grades, and stocks are ample for all wants at current values. We quote prime Kail made Vermont and New York at 4012c, with selections at 4i46, and single packages of fancy at a shade higher prices: Choice dairies et 3740c; fair to good at J436e; ordinary at3i)33c; Western of choice quality is scarce and will readily command 363Sci fair to good at M35c, aud ordinary at 2832c. Receipt 1115 luus.

CHEESE. The market remains firm, with a fair business at unchanged rates, to jay: for fine factory: fair to good 15lc, and at inHe for common, but there Is little, if any, of this sort offering. Receipts 269 fcoxes. EGGS. The market is very steady, with a good demand at full rates.

The current arrivals about meet actual wants, and there is no accumulation. We quote: Eastern 26c: Korthern 25c, and 2325c for Western. Receipts 163 boxes. Receipt of Beat her and Hides. Be ported for The Daily Globe.

The following are the receipts of hides, leather and COMMERCIAL. j'tiitaueipma: iavni iirvant. New inra. Ar at Leghorn Feb barque Km ma. Card, from New York.

A at Valencia 2d iust, seh Maud, Robinson, fm New York. At at Barcelona Feb brig Goodwin. Craig, fm New York. Ar at Brest id Inst, steamer Europs. New York Feb 21 for Havre.

Ar at Havre 1st iust. barque Village Belle, Homer, fm Galveston. Sailed 1st Inst, ship Invincible. Strickland, for United States: barque Clifton. Jacous.

do. Sailed from Falmouth, E. 2d Inst, barque Margaret Evans. Robertson, from Antwerp for Philadelphia. Ar at Cardiff 2stb uit.

Drig Sybil Wynn, Roberts, from Baltimore. Ar at Liverpool 2 nit, ships Ophelia. S'rleklana, fm San Franclrco; barque Crimea. Oiover, Savannah. Ar at do 1st inst.

ships Emiiy Flinn. Adams, from Sin Francisco; Empress. Hamon. New Orleans: Ar at do 2d inst. ship Mogul.

Freeman. Savannah. Ar at do 3d inst. steamer Circassian. Portland City of Antwerp.

New Y'ork. Sailed 1st. ship Richard Robinson, Smith, for New Y'ork. Sailed from Dublin 1st inst. ship Humboldt.

Drum-mond. New Y'ork. A rat I-onuondeiry- 3d inst, steamer Circassian (Br). Portland for Liverpool. A rat Oneeustowu Jd inst.

steamer Marathon (Br). Garrett. Boston, and proceeded to Liverpool. Ar at do 1st. ships Euterpe.

Phillips, ban Francisco; James A Wrieht. Morrison. do. Artiio2d iust, steamer Egypt (Br), New Tork for Liverpool. Ar at do 3d.

(earner Kederland, Antwerp Feb 20 for Philadelphia, Put In with cargo damaged. 1 Arat Pernanibueo Feb steamer Mernmae, from New York for Rio Jauerio; brig Cheviot, Nelson, from New Y'ork. Ar at Caibsn-ieo IStli ult, scb Adelia Carsou, Godfrey, St Thomas. Ar at Cardenas 21st nit, barques Carrie Long. Park.

Buenos A vres Holbrook. Leavitt. New York: sck Kanuio A Bailey. Coombs. St Thomas; iid.

brigs Uattie Bain. Thestiun. Havana; Julia Carney. Turner Philadelphia; Juliet Moore. New York schs Jeremiah Simousou, Crawford, Ardrossan; Cabada, Philadelphia.

Sailed 20th nit. sch Delia Yate. North of Hatteras: 21st. btigs Amy A Lane. Carver.

New York; Merriwa. Portland: Lizzie Gregg, for North of Hatteras; Stephen Bennett. Bennett, for Baltimore; "iid. barque Sandy Hook. Hunker, New Y'ork Abbie Tiieouab, North of Hatteras.

Ar a Havana 21st nit. brig Len Thnrlow. Corbel t. Portland: 2Vd sch Eveiiue, Sawyer, fm Pensacoia; 23d. torque DeZeldo.

Miller. New Y'ork; sebs Walter Palmer, staples, Pascagoula: Montana. Barker, froto Philadelphia Com Latham, from WUcasset Hanuah Baker. Raymond. Savannah: II King.

Bragdon. from New York: 2ttb, brigs Torrent. Wilder, fm Baltimore; Faustina. Blanehard, New York. A rat do 2d lust, stetcmer Crescent City, from New-York.

Ar at Matanras 50th ult, brigs George Yomsr, Callao, Leeman, Philadelphia: sch Earl Porter, shearer. New York; 22d. ba roues Elver-ton. Clark, Baltimore; Ganntlet. BIcKeuzie, Bostou; brigs Henry Trowbridge.

Hinckley. Brunswick. Blown, Bain. Cadiz; Cascatelle. Simmons, in New Y'ork; James Davis, Partridge.

Philadelphia; schs Msry A Hood. Steelmao. do: Will'am Drury, Thompson. Baltimore; Alexander Harding, McBride. and Charles Piatt, Sharp, do.

Ar at do 23d. barqnes Endeavor. Mountfortl. from Feruaudina; II Haven. Haven.

Havana Palo Alto, Jenkins, Aspinwall: brigs Mary Comery. Orozter. fm Havana: Miuuie Traub. Dickson. New York; (ieorge hase.

Bacon, do; sch May, Andrews. Portland. Sailed 23d. barque Ellen Dyer. Clapp.

North of Cape Hutteias At do 2d Inst. barque Eliza White. Wotten. St Pierre. Ar at Sagna 12th tilt, schs Ida Birdsall.

Baracoa: 14th. LAM Knov. les. Matanzas; 1Mb. brig Carrie Pickering.

Low. St Thomas; 17th. barques Brothers, Thurston, do: Asphodel. Marcv. Sailed 13th.

brigs Sarah Gilmore, for Kew York; 16th. Weiicnab. for do. Put back to Bermuda 14th nit, sell Edith Slay, for Boston, and sailed again Pen 3. Ar at Liverpool 14th ult.

Lancaster. Bartlett. fm New Orleans: Caribnn, Wood, and Kavnor, Foster.Savennah; Maud, Isaacs. New Y'ork; Persi's, MeArtbur, Charleston: 1'itli, Sumner Meade. Wood.

do. Sailed 15th. City of Brooklyn, Harriman. Cardiff and Rio Sailed from Bremcrbaven 12th, Richard McManns. Potter.

New Orleans: Tamerlane, Otialey, and Nevada. Hookway, United States. Gibraltar, Feb 14 The Sparkling Wave. American brigantine, from Philadelphia for Trieste, with a cargo of petroleum, has put iu here leaky and with split sails. She must discharge part of her cargo to get at the damage.

Sailed from Newcastle, NSW, Dec 20, Harvest Hame. Dickey. San Francisco. Ar at Melbourne Dec 30, Samuel Merritt, Rae, Humboldt. sailed Dee 22, Maggie Leslie.

Koliertson, for New York. Ar at Adelaide Dec 19, Beatrice, indsor, from New York. Arat Singapore Jan 13, John Clark. Patterson, from Cardiff. Arat Calcutta 16th nit, Anabuac.

Matthews, from Boston. Sailed 16tb nit. Mount Washington, Titcomb. Mauritius. Sailed from Colombo Jan Iniogbne, Dawn, from New York.

Ar at Faval Jnn 29. Fredonia, Burke. Flores. Sailed from St Michaels 7th uit, Mary A Elizabeth. Tolcber, New York.

Arat Palermo 41 nit. Hcslen, Gould. Messina, and sailed 6th for Boston. Sailed Jan 31. Kndymion, YVendt, New York; Feb 4, Adelaide.

Naccarl, do. Sailed from Seville Jan 30. Fearless. Kew York. Cleared at Cadiz 9th ult.

Abd-el-Kader. Sparrow, for Gloucester. Mass. Arat Helvoet l.itb nit, Ellen Rickmers, Eehm, from Boston. Ar at Bremerhaven 14th nit, Blomidon.

Shaw, from Philadelphia. Arat Antwerp 14lb nit. Abram Young. Farns worth, Philadelphia I6tb. John Baker, Cushing, do.

Sailed 14tb. Templar. O'Brien, Philadelphia Evans, Smiley, do. Ar at Liverpool 16th nit, Lizzie Ross. Morris, fm New Orleans Ar at Grimsby 15th.

larkspur. Storey. New York. Entered out at do 14th, Maria Norwood, Andrews, for Havana. Ar at Greenock 17tb, Burke.

New Yora. Fatavia. Jan 8 The Tamerlane, from Yokohama for New Y'ork. struck on Aleeste Reef. 9 miles NE of Pulo Leat.

in Macclesfield Channel, Gasper Straits, Dec 22 the first mate and 21 of tbe crew arrived here, yesterday in a coasting vessel, the master and carpenter remaining at tbe stranded vessel; according to the statement of the mate about 80(0 chests had beeu saved during favorable weatber. and there was a prospect ot saving still more cargo; be also states that the vessel bad about six feet of water in hold. LE BARON-WEST -In this city. 5th by the Rev. J.

V. Hilton. Mr. Fred. Loring Le Baron of "nd Jail J' West ot Attle'uoro, this city.

10th by tbe Rev. Father Meter If of the Cathedral, Mr. J. J. Shanahan of akefield and Miss Mary J.

Mouahan of Boston. SOUTHER GREENE. In South Boston. 24th by the Rev. Edwara A.

Rand, Mr. (ieorge A. Souther and Miss Sarah 1. Greeue. both of this city.

BULLEN TWITCHELU In Cambridge, 2d by the Rev. C. C. Everett. Mr.

(ieorge A. Bullen of Boston and Miss I.innette F. Twitcbell of Cambridge. HAMILTON LIB BY'. In Portland.

2d by the Rev. Dr. Shailer. Mr. James H.

Hamilton of Water-born end Miss Etta E. Libby of Anlmrn. SPRAGUE DONOVAN. In Ua'ifax. N.

8., 16th by bis grace the Archbishop, assisted by the Rev. Canon Power. Mr. Rufus 4V. Snrague.

M. of Boston and Miss Kalherine Maude, eldest daughter of M. Donovan..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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