The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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THE ADVERTTSER ADELAIDE TUESDAY ANTAKY T2 W5 MEXICAN AAIBS PERSONAL Special Advertisem*nts SUMMER SALE A TENDER ACCEPTED on Ikirton 1 a iJi'u SIR SHACKLETON HGte" I fiMB South Meibeuma Amtt ATOP SONS Gilbert Place Adelaide SA in THE PANAMA EXHIBITION POSTAL AB1OGXMMNT8 por Tbc town clerk also had submitted the dVfo eb wTre to 28A ve tenders criv tor th inlUtio of ron? a ln to 3 July ia ebbrrtiscT AMERICAN CONTRABAND 1387950 DAILY AVKIAGK HOUSE 53382 COPIES ot to THE MISSING TRAWLER VUW UO (JTU 5" of rood many Doebtlera BARRIER UNEMPLOYED tow Hfcr to the tiiited tine tar cirtnc a NOW READY ROYAL SHEET ALMANAC i' OR 1915 to tona squarc ne granuxi ot uw him? I read grantwl conditionally on applies (TWO CHILDREN KILLED turn being made on bebak of the mibscn NEWS IN THE INTERESTS IMPERIAL TRADE Brtrta who dwin to bo plaeod directly A BRITISH MADE GOODS dual al his at fk Best Illustrated Weekly a led Blmlatfon (faapproaehed allowed bod £321 aa in I in laid him 18 19 21 24 36 28 39 30 31 5 7 8 9 10 S3 100 53100 53100 53500 53650 53600 53100 53150 53100 53300 53000 53600 53100 53100 53100 53350 53450 53500 53000 53000 53450 53900 54100 54000 53450 53550 Adelaide South Australia yen avadiag tberaflfllvea al thia aer fin an rsffltrd to state full pwtbala trained dogs who are expert are bowing considerable intelli tbeir work Hh th Eter tiiask Sir for 14 15 16 at the A that the Exci k'ney the Governor VMit to the Smrl Bowii ADELAIDE: TUESDAY JANUARY 12 ISIS Hw deatli be a jrrait riwdi for xten rM and lord tributes and erarrtara of aviTpathy 0 Hr Yratman fur kind and onrntduing attention dwin their aad hcrarmiffrt This of SINGLE MEN SEEKING DONATIONS Broken Hill January 11 unemployed nlngle men held another meeting this morning and in the after noon about 100 of tbern marched to demand donation from the warebonaea At tbe first place called on the men were referred to the secretary of tbe Warehousem*n's Aaeociation and the latter eaid be would call a meeting of membera after which he would let the unemployed committee know the result The Warehousem*n Araocia tion held a special meetiug thia afternoon and decided not to give anything to the single men's deputation Tbe crowd to day called on tbe South Brewing Company and received a donation of £5 5 'A meeting of men proposing to go to the Condobolin end of the railway line waa called for this afternoon but as do news van recened from Sydney nothing waa done has re 31 connec railwayetatieo to a 45 pja VNtTBD 9TATM CANADA (via taws aad POLICEMAN IN THE DOCK llouae UUL'near WtnAaor erchardM flffA graaier The value of the eatate ba4M4 £33kKt iCo Hobart aa tion for the parchaae 1 of trial Mr hone mn won't mind but if the Cjrammuit paartare thi tcaaa it will be worth £1699 to lira wit Sir Edward Grey in hin eagerly expected reply rarnnuriaed in a rtie message elfu where to the American Note on the contra band trade question begin by concurring in President contention that neutral interests should be as little preju diced by belligerent operations aa possible He might have added that few States ex powd to auco tactics aa are favored by Germany would have shown so much con sideration for neutrals as Great Britain has eyetematically displayed especially when the aetitraJ have viewed without protest the violation of Hague agree ment to which the) have made themselves parties and which forbid the bombard ment of undefended porta the use of dum dum bulletA of which Germany stands convicted and the indiscriminate sowing of unanchored mines along trade routes traversed by the shipping of the world But it is poarible to carry tenderness for the susceptibilities too far and this would bv done by Great Britain were abe to forego her right to adopt every meuure necessary top the trade in contraband Now it is quite clear that since the war began Germany hoa been deriving Urge snpnlia of forbidden material from neutral countries and particularly America: and though the very large increases in the im ports of Italy Holland and the Scandi navian countries cannot all be explained by an intention to pass them on to Germany there is doubt that Germany has been madft An rwkalr tJs ffliMpri here to the fund and on the Government agreeing to the alteration proposed The council adopted the ommendalion CRUSHED IO DEATH UNDER A WALL Broken Hill January II Boom ft Ite 4amy at MrNirol 1 with America's trade by British daughter (Mary Ulan) Buth duing well Six aV twk 9aa vd iw wii es'iw ify al bi rim Ilome Al'vrtoo to Mr and Mn i 0 a L3hMr'4dr Port Atlr mm vtu Mccaauy rwi IW pMa pimmm Canada txrftm sttates honoutlt and AXXrXO MLUiD (via January IS zwk (1st tee XJ0 BW) SUcar 6UI NAMOA AXU TONGA Jamwry pi 2w nmiand to Sydney tlu ace per Im wtaatty OMJKONU JAPAN AND KAMILA January St pSk vrrtewl to Ktocy tilewee AMwitam Jaaaanr IK 3 pm overland to Im et Mda hitherto asppUed from iniiANY ar AUSTRIA may send thmr Aairtea to the Rxport Baraaa of Mshm MITCHELL A CO LTD Snow Hill I Mdna MC (Cable PabUcite Leadea) who will give sues engniriae vidmprand cireaUtMB amoog maaatao tarata Na charge whatever will be made Car thia earvwe providing the letter ar Important to Aerated Water Macbines Hotelkeepers when she ifi rnn ships rtunk by Un tin time war on hoard abh'jrrum has tiiat they nre Mr II Cbance Post and Telegraph I uiitroller of Stores was a pamenger tor Aleibouroe by the eopaaaa oa MUCK SIXPENCE POSTED 7d Tbe Royal Sheet Almanac puMishedt th offices of 'Tu AdvertiserTbe and "The Exprem' bow ready for issue Almanac contains a Irge Amount Useful Information corrected up Ue latest date To secure early ddirrey Orders for thia Almanac should be sent in witb ut delay Ldxsc ia lcn on xoa Perutps 1 tha: neutral ouotrie retir starvston iud nly worn no 'cA my uoik of object on 31 deaths by THE KINGSTON MEMORIAT In resjHne to a request received from Mr Denny 31 in reward to the Kingston memorial statue the markets and parks committee of the City Council i4ttrUv thrt ft i LP on I routh wetem corner of the centre of Vic toria square be granted in lieu of the site CIRCU AT I ADVERTISER" OR THE MONTH DECEMBER 1914 THE RUNIC CASE The chief quarantine offiirr (Dr Gethine) vixit the uirarautme station Torrens Island on Monday morutng and amined the patient contact and paMBenm from th 'learner Runic lie found that cvcrythinc wa prognwnz rhly and that there wan little likciihxxif any fn sh outbreak Om of the (Mr Rodwcill was reh awd under snrveil in and this aftomn a number jm lingers who have been xurensdnllv vu i Dated wul be allowed their Hnu ttiA will nn thp children were reeorered an hour later when both' boy were dead Mvdial evidence wa? caDed to show that low son had been treated at the hospital on New morning as a rwilt of the injury 11c was not intoxicated on either ocouwcm Dr Ombrain ophthalmic surgeon wart liw un liatl loAt the sight of the rye and there was only a remote chaoce of his re covering it rank Hurl a rtnkcv on a vessel (rtame strrxk out bv tbe eenson) and John North a latxirvr who was with Lawson at time gave corroborative eridwwe ni'r Sergeant Wallace mid he row the aeeirwd at about 4 am and he was then undr the influence of bqnor When brought into the tation McMahon demtd me a juit He appeared to mtoxi ALLEGATI0N8 A BRIBERY DOGS ASSIST POLICE The Police Department of Queensland have evidence that in various parte of the state trackers gence In Tin number puHn and protMoiial hL tkis aleo been nivn a xi in nwrtt important addition i the ih Iioo at Croydon of whCn Mr I Kdloti MA previously at Murray Bridsv ii Im hrxid tca her in til ruTtr) jBirucnlarly in the iww district a unal srlwnd will opened ikit th' linn tiba left minutes I i ton rprur ii pasm nm rs to lune No arranjiinent oi hl be mad to redu tin numix it'ippi on the trip Gawler place BURNS PHILP BOOKINGS Melbourne January 11 No newshssyet been received of tbemiSB ing ederal trawler Endeavour now more than a month overdue Three steamers ar still searching A wireless meewgr referred by theMinist rof Custrnmito lysta ed that at midnight on Sunday the Werrihee waa iu latitude 4345 south and longitude 194 rest A westerly gale was raging tbe sen wa rough and the wmther very misty Instructions have been issued by Mr Tudor for the (irantals to search Caroline Cove Macquarie Island The Premier of Tas mania (Mr Earle) who passed through Mellioiirne to riny on bis way to Sydney railed on Mr Todor and he waa asked to charter a steamer for the purpose of searching the south coast of Tasnania fur wieckage The lighthouse keepers of Brum have been asked to search Cloudy Bay A sequent has also been forwarded to the New Zealand Government that the starch steamer Tutanckai should visit more hlaitds to the south of the Dominioe IN MEMORIAM it II dAlP Irwinw aaauaimia hkufa died rui Tnary ivu Alujys ni in ter I that the Washington authorities ought a lurgnti'n loving mrtnwy our tiJhcr a hj Jjtiitav 12 1914 nix fcwertrd ty her sum and daughtm Tn loving swuiMy of little Jackie I who aa? kitiid at kxeU the litb January 1913 Th JWtU 'k food memory cling invru ly hie Laher and mother and on the Port Adi Li de roaJ thoroughly having been for the Surely it is unnerawv for Jriod one local am of typhoid fever two I A 1 A iwL let Tneasie and two of pulmonary tuoer I 1 S9 1 ue Livy traum iiuiwr nwu intnrtinne diof aw and nnlmonsrv ine an nans ana can renew tout a machine officer of health sinitary in I I Tll4Uv tir VN u7U wa BARGAINS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE STOCK SALE PRICES OR AND WEAR GENUINE REDUCTIONS MADE ON NEWEST GOODS INSPECT THE VALUE WE OER AT SALE PRICES Lie i Pi rth orri npondi nt tel di aplwd last Ikurd dth the local I night: yttiploitu reM niblnig Lord Iit efiort xboiibl is ntadi bail It 'Ii (ivvclopi by one of the pax to have the town ri mmawl in ite usual from ib IliiTij who an in 1 pton i jisil nn I at iho odii)una Point titi I'i me veouers nwivi tor tne innaUatKm ot an electric passenger lift in the proposed additions to the Town Hall building The i rsnmittee hail rcferred the matter tn a subcommittee consisting ot the chairmen of the works and highways and finance committees and Councillor Gunn to report The committee recommended that a spe cial committee consisting of Aidermen and Proimrr Cotrncillnni Andenon bklwnrdM Entwistle orwood Jones and Lundie be appointed to deal with any nut ters which might arise during rebuilding operations The sub committee of tbe finance com mittee had reported having held a meeting and after considering the minute of tbe town clerk and the report of the city en gineer had recommnMed that Mr Jlocart (draftsman) be appointed snnerria ing officer of the foregoing works under tbe city engineer Tbe committee had approved the report and recommended its adoption by the council The markets and parks committee intimated that the Operative Brick layers' Society had written ask ing that the work of additions to tbe city market be carried out by day Work instead of by contract The committee had derided that the society be informed that tenders would be called for the work in due courK when all men out of employ ment would hare an opportunity of ob taining work under the succtestul tenderer The recommendations of tbe committee were all adopted by tbe council THE INCOMING ENGLISH MAIL STEAMER ms Elder Smith Co hav advice tnst the nSl expected at remantle on Thuraday next ami at Adelaide un January THE IUR1 ROAI) The ommuwioni'r of Crown Ltnda Rh hard Butler) stated on Monday morning l'iat pv tications were lx ng prepared and I tiders would In bortly for tie iiiliiv roll by jeetion in iit 107 5( No ponun' name iti In rnnoKxl (tie rII cxr ept un der iw th following 1 1 By tranmer and change al tne'r own re may be used in peace or war That nowaf will not be abused Ampk J9 made in the Art for unity ot tntemgaM diaetpiine Admirals wbg rysaUj aaryw in Australasian watws freefy saa fcamkip critieised and praised the Australis aailar THE IUMAATION DEPARTMENT The SUMe school vaeatkrn will end this week and ail schuuL under tae eoti trol of uue Education Ix puruoent will rr aMn mble on Munday next here will ie some nuutblc cnaages as comparcu 1 with ku4 year Tius is principally the rase in connection with llign School I imrutfjanL trrirvfria niudu iid'JOTP tllP xIiaI students the eastern were acwuunodaU'd ai Nvrwouv lliorc tnmi the western suburbs lettdra between Kvalxfcvle fniitik nli) Jxck Warwick imant mxi o( Mr anu Mn WYLIE On lt Hth inuarv at her parn'' mi'h iK Barker ar Myrtle aith (ail vuh jni trtluved djigrhur of llrt and Martin ii lo i 14 yar and months THE SNOW CASE Tix Inuring of the information ariinrt ranck lluch Snow chanrinc with having infringed liii1 Trading With the Enemv Act will be eoniinued at the Adelaide Court to day The ease was begun at the Adelaide Police Courtn Deeitnber lb and on DeoemlxT 18 ww adiourned until after the (Jirutliuan vu tion On December 29 it was formally seulcrw cases before land boards and the called on and then adjourned till today i Lwnd Appeal Court He became a viee president of the Country Press Amoeiation RAILWAY PASSES OR SOUJIERS and from its inception he was director 4 I ik 4 lhe (omrnuKioner of (Town 1 anli (Mr Richard Butler) remarked cn Monday that nn error had occurred in the report of bis statement given Saturday in reference to the vjvit of hi sod Linve from tha Broadmeadow camp "lie dni at his own expert on both occasions" said Sir Richard was grheo on the hurt visit that he mentioned the question of the South Australian Government granting free passes from Serviceton presumably te rattse the Victorian Government were granting jiaiwee st the time to Scwieetou It might (nought from the way the paragraph reads that he paid his fare only on tne second occasion which is not cor The Minister of Defence (Senator Ptane) stated toshy that though he did pot wate to duwiMs generally the question the dw lability oiaa Empire Defmce Coafsrwoe be vaa As op fl ion tbtft WMS Lnt did Dot iad cate what the matter meta Asked wtotbar he agreed that there wSH many matters which would claim the att tion of the Defence Miaistara ia their Dominoos for eome time Reas tor PaaM9 replied that it need not neeesaanly WW that the Ministers of Defeaee would ba6 to attend tbe conferewce Aaotber luato ter who knew tbe decade at the could report to the Minister ot De when the mtarviem was over be gutHaa retwy to record what had hsppsasd Mr Joseph Robert Quinn fonDmly Mm retary to the Minister of PtabHe Werite (Mr Mnleahy) mid be made a seaJ Mlrihl note of the eat Mr Moteahy main to him oa tbe oeeasioa of Mr Dadkhy'au Interview Mr Mnleahy asesaed much tatad st tbe time Mr Walter Roar Reynolds aaastaat a gineer ieMrf gave material tv id eace sad said he was wot offered a bribe lugs The Cowmhteoa adjourned till Tnorisfe Council nt tin in STREET GAS LAMPS lhe town clerk directed the attention of the works and hgbwaya commtt of the Adelaide City Council at tbe ommittee's lost meeting to the isn t'ut since Augnvt 4 last additional reooi bad been rc iav lw ci ived of stree 214 not being alight Dvhauys ail High 'Tue SA Ga Company ji explanation hul sUDuru Hiauu mat uioupri ik cuuki nui uruuio 1 uik! dvU riuini the carise of tbe lamps go ng wnn 'out boliered to have been the for 1'emmuiL xnJ matiun ot' a mall denarii of solid nutb Hudiuarsii hi nc ther wruch places brought alxurt by the iiftereni uf was there any building sperhdly drigned perature bettvren day and night Tic (LHHIAIIY 4 11 kl LJ laAS tv the theory a eptwl by uutiorticx and the nut a mt uncommon wacre anu wnen och a cond'Uot! obw ned comtnit to dire lel tiiar Company lx fur ther cititmiinx utevl with and to taie ail xtep to prevent a continuance at ib revuteixT "i lt daughter Mrs If Povnvll 'Wung road Armadale Yictrcui Edith Holiand relict of the late William Eger ton Warburton Un the SSth December 1B1I it her cid Pavneham Maris retrtt the Ute William Koaihy tenile decay in hrc bah ar Also on the ih January Mary Clutter ham aii ter 4 the abort mull of accident in Sird ar Both arrived in lb? Latxlla Watwa April 1B43 On tlir December I'll! St Cham Emeu dearly beloved wife nf Janw ixntm aged 7 rears Arrived in tbe Ulla Booth Aoirurt Itet On the lOch January at bia residence 8h4cld 4reet Mal'm Alfred Hillary the lov ing limbaon xaituvinr aie on the inti have been forced by facte andperioet to become sdvocstea at JDwwmioq Wri It mar be that the ymd adnea teaimi that it win Tench there in time to taai a Wing benefit oa oar net I have doubt whatever All AWraliem ara WW thoroughly convinced that it is their dutp to defend thmntelvea and they Mt equally convinced that they must Delp the mother country aad other Omuafoat when ever and wherever they are able to de so I think tbe moral act e( grqridmff our own defence is really at Jte mfae to Australia notwithstanding what it costs The moral value worth all A mms It aivm the people even mere national mural fibre than they had before They have nww been tried aad Tea Dteto the tret and they have not been fM nantiog EMPIRE DEENCE CONERENCE In loving ow mory of our dear wife anil irvHn tt parx iwty at xouwixarx Jaroury 12 i 'll He miA tin' from luwnr lur mother Ur loirs th frv'ti tliy place A hwiow o'er niir (if cstet YYi ni the updunr 4 thy mi thy kind willms band Tliy fted and care: Our home is dark wirhoui tb Wn nn vo i 0 i rtM I ri Irisrrlrd her lovimf Iiut'muiI and and airti rtuighU nio law ami 1 hJridge EX MINISTER'S EVIDENCE ORTlf £1009 TO TOO 7 Zeehaa JanBiy JL 'i Recently Mr Edwanl Mateahy aSrMin Lter of lublic Work made aUgcatanaM bribery in the Tasamniaa House of 4w setnbly mpactiug tbe exteasiM of Duuk tramway at Zeehan To dareridteM was taken at Zeehaa heftre tbe Itoyai A Commission contesting of Mr 0 WW police magistrate of Hobart tearidag the allegations Mr Mnleahy in evideMe ssm aooui nweami Grange contraband is secreted bales In the direction of coocesMon Great Britain has gone as far a she safely can in pledging liernelf £nat only wucre tbere is grave cause for auspiciou will ves sels Le intercepted Next to copper re quired io the manufacture 4 war mate tial rubber is the contraband article uiwt doncind wiLu the German Government ECEBToN wtRRrBTON On the sth January 1 for there never was a war in wrtich motor vchkles tor the traiwport of guns as well as men and loodstuifs figured to largely aa tney do id thi Vt Ame rica draws immense quantities of rubber from various parte of tho British Empire Um threwt of stop ping tiKfc tuppiie ought to have 1U effect aliasing Lie indignation uBOd the assert ton of our just cuiiu to submit Ame rican cargoes ot rubber lor neutral cuuu trira to a Prise Court where tltere is any doubt as their true destination Tub a war in winch material counts for os inucti as luen aud if tue Allie arc lo aiianlou (ucir etiorts to starve Ger many they mw either acwpt an ingib nous and perilous peace or recoiKiie them reives to a eewn yean war in any case the British tk et will have hn deprived of half its value and Germany will be cxutmg in not having spent more money un her own The suau pubdiues of ncu inata i niint fur ho much the bclli SCHdIW Ii kmn mrerexy rf ocr drar bro ther and uiMlr BH who died at tiurbng Ecet Janiure 11 imt prti can wnte no ran till What be wrat throuch ln be was God at ww bi pain? re Imovnl He cd hwn tx ct and touk him born' ItovrVd bv hta (ovin 2 sister and brmJirc in law and it un IrfWV and Hwirv GJjure xr DrtiL TANKJW In kvis memory rt my drar muU who pHMad wj en January 12 tSN Kart are4 rrnaher wre tly twt They miwed you most who loved you Ink member Mr Nielsen no douot was a "man on tlie and to a ederal Lalor Government the views of a retired SiCile Lmbor member oa a question of Australian policy might appear more ini I portant than those of a libera! ex Prhne Minister But as Mr Dmkin pointe out be does not stand alone The whole of the members of Ere Commission agreed that tbe project should be continued in a modified form and the Prime Minister's publie utterances were sympathetic with thia view That the war haa affected both the prospects of the Exiji bition and the interests of Australia in I the proposed representation thereat is plain in this country as it could be San rancisco Some of the States eluding South Australia have shown I their withdrawal a rixocuitiou of combined ia aaral policy If they da art there will be do ill feehng MbIbA tbart on the part of AastraUa jKrt in that event the Ccmmonweolth arfll oarry oaa ita self iaapoasd dcnble duty ot dofeniUM its own territerim aad to eafaty help ing to defeeid ita kith and kra rirtwhere RETURN THANKS MR AM) MRS WILfttM HIRRIS avennr Wt Ail tadr wire th" ountry rees Co operative tompany After his election to Pirliuucnt in 19tt as mwibcr for Caxtlerragh Mr won lor himself a position in the House In the McGowen Ministry he waa a mem ber of the Executive Council without port folio from October 21 1910 to No vember 6 1911 and was charged with the duties of Minister of Agriculture from Sep tember 11 1911 On IJecCTnber 10 1912 ho succeeded Mr Beeby aa Minister of LandH a portfolio which he had held ever since 3ir Holman said the death of the Minister of Lands left a gap in the Cabinet which it would be very difficult to till "He waa a man of moat attractive simplicity of character said Mr Holman man notable for bis bonerty of purpose and the siarlenem with which be main tained his ideals in the face of all difficul ties He had a large measore of native caution and be waa akrw to commit him self yet withal he waa one of the frankest men in the public life of Australia Hia personal integrity and his poli tical principles were beyond question It is vrorthv of remark that during our four vean of office we have lost three Ministers by death aud in the aame period our ede ral colleagues have lost no fewer than five as it ia organised in Australia today is en gaged in killing its leaders The strain ia too great Too much is expected of human nature Men are placed in positions of immense difficulty and then impoesible de mands are made upon them If these de mands are not fulfilled to the letter nt the moment nothing but critieian of the most exasperating kind is meted out criticism framed in complete ignorance of the con ditions under which men work and often prompted by small jealousies at tbe success which men in a Ministerial position have attained and directed to undermining those positions It ia a constant com panion of both tbe working and sleeping nnura of the men who are at the bead of affairs in the Australian Labor movement to day This is not a condition of things that makes for health Men are worn out by the double strain first of doing an almost incredible quantity nf work and secondly by repelling the hostilities ex cited by the fart that they do not and mnnot do twice aa mneh Thia exteaordiniry death roll is a thing which cannot no on The Ibor movement as a whole will have to protect those who are en41eavoring to cany out ite mandates Unless eheap and dishonest attacks from within our ranks ore sternly frowned down by the move ment it will not get decent men like tny late colleague to take up ita arduous The death of Mr Roas Reid which 'kcurred on Sunday at hia residence St Gkneig baa removed a highly iTWn'mw cupied a circles Darling Dartonn for many years were famous for tbeir ngb quality nr waa IVide of the Hille by Talk of the LLil (imported) wax only ore of a number oi animals from his stables which won distinction on the Australian racecuuraee At one time Mr Reid resided at Ros I trevor near Magill estate in which the picturesque Moriaita waterfalls were idtuated but during the last few yearn of his life he lived in retirement at St Leonards He woe a native of Ireland and was years of age He left a widow who is in England three aons and five daughters His eons are Mews Allen Ross Reid Reynell Rosa Reid and Douglas Roas Reid and his daughters Mrs Driscoll Mrs A Brown Mrs Everaley Thomas and the two Misses Reid Colonel In ing District Com mandant has left for Melbourne on duty He will return tu Adelaide to morrow Mr A Evans' werrtary of St Peter's College has received a cable message signed by Mr Rusnell who is a member of tbe Australian Imperial force now in Cairo Egypt in which he (tates that 3R Blues dined together at Cairo on January 2 Lieutenant Ixwn nas in the chair and Colonel Rowell reprreenUng rinee Alfred (vllege was present The gathering sent greetings proeper riii'rd itt for tii ireneral elections in lpu and all tne names appearing thereon I 1 os sLa 4 1 a nil JJ UUkriJ 41 441 'W I7S to till LIIV rA" ception of wtv navn been transferred or changed those etruek off by objection and dead THE PRESS CENSORSHIP 3lr 31 Ilenly member for North East Cork is reported by tbe Tele graph'' to have asked in the House of Com mons Novanber Iti jf the Government realised that the British were making them selves absolute laughing stock abroad wer the censorship (Heir hoar) It recmed to that the Government were over cautious Let them remember what the wirrb sa system had put Germany in posses rion of During a short holiday he had sficnt in America he found every morning a long wirelcae telegram from Berlin stuffed with German lies copied in the morning papers whilst from our side there an attenuated abortion giving an account of the Allies and their prtK eedingA How could we imagine we were concealing from the Germans things they knew much better than we lid our rehres? Apparently it was thought that although tne Germans had fought with in a particular town they mignt find out where we were fighting if we slated the name of that town (Ironical cheers) An Amenrau asked him if he could explain this extraord nary system of newflnon7 ing He gave the explanation that the Government iiad put the whole of this work under a Chancery lawyer who was accustomed to drafting affidavits (Laugh ter) The SoKcilor General was a most able man in his profession and an admir able lawyer but would anybody select him a priori where questions of news were concerned? (Laughter) He (Mr Healy) would as soon put a plumber in charge of the job of illuminating manuscripts (Re newed laughter) The press cermnraliip was not a lawyer's job and he thought the whole system of that censorship needed immediate and absolute revision (Cheers) THE ADELAIDE STATION Ejriy on Monday morning Nos station were fenced off from the aembiy platform and a gang of workmen began to carry out another portion of lhe re ixiDstruetion scheme which haa been in progress since the removal of the goods rtatiun to Mde End The work is rapidly nearing completion and lhe alteration to the platforms in hand will be finished in eiht or ten days Then the public will are the new platforms while those in use at present are being dealt with The completed plan provides for the di rect entiy of trains to their respective n'atforms aud for additional platforms The Glenelg and Brighton trains are not affected by the work in hand and will cont inue to depart from and arrive ut the Morpheitatrecl Bridge station IMPROVED CIEANUNESS THE uf representation at Sun ranao not 1 I The report or the officer of health of A City Council (Dr Borthwick) for of 132000 which lhe IXHnmoixwealLh on the three wfAn ended Janmry 2 how dertook to find it wan already committed that there had been notified during that to £9000 Surely it is mottorr for Jnod one local am of typhoid fever two ederal Miniflters to go for thar Exhibi diphtheria two Uod pouty to ir Aiejflen rm aa unde 0tJawfl served snub to the onuniuion to nUt 1 raws liis authority over theirs It is extra tuhercufosifi under her supervision ordinary that presentalire body pointed to arrange iBiuinuuuii vi not eiwctiun aa mu dent of the Institution of Ekxtrical Engi neers Lmdiin Mr MJsvrt Il a 1I wil auu 3 44 4j va'M U4 teic or many ymri eunducted 1 Chirac at the Bendigo School down under the strain Another old idt ii tity of thia district Mr William Pye tiled Ipst week He was 75 years of age He was at one time cotntcillor for Oakbask ward in the Onkaparings District Council and was instrumental ia getting much needed improvements effected to the back road to orest Range He lived a very lundy life his dogs of which be kept a number being his only companions The Rev Raws with bis wife and daughter is returning to Australia by tbe RMS Medina which left London oa January 9 Mr Bow Kelly haa been splinted chairman and Mr Lindtey Tullv vice chairman of the Mount Lyell Mining and RaJway Company Mr A Pearae editor of the toral Melbourne nan been elected a ellow oi the Royal Geographical So ciety Mr Shellenhanter who baa been manager of the King's Theatre Adelaide for the Brennan u'lrr Company for about 12 mouths left by the Melbourne exprcMn Monday afternoon to undertake the duties of house manager in Sydney for the company Irior to his departure the managers of places of public amusem*nt in Adelaide met Mr SheUenhamer at Me office Curriertreet and bade hint farewell Mr Boyle presided and in handing the guest a puree of reveretgua referred to the high esteem in which he was held by theatre managers in Adelaide Mr transfer to Sydney meant that be would fill a more important managerial position in the future and while they all regretted bis departure they were pleased at the promotion Sir Sayer (chairman of the Adelaide Theatri cal Managers' Association) in endorsing the remarks referred to their guest as one of the beat men tbtgr bad had tn Adelaide Measrs Mateus Oawfurd (manager of the Tivoli) HMyers (manager of the INeatre Royal) and Harry Lyons also supported Mr Shvllenliamer feelingly responded Lieutenant Sykro from the Dtmartment of tile DirevUr GixeraJ of Medical Ser vi arrived in Adelaide on duty on Mom day Mr Abbott of Bendigo has re 0iive jHititHTilioti of hjg election stu ced the amount ailottM bv Lhe council out uf ie loan recently used for the building operationi lhe tender received for the contract (without this extra storovl had la en that of Mewm Mi' twru A Jeffery it £5j4 but tne io! i'Hin? llnni I expenditure of approximately £2420 boWiabed in the umuhi into umuacta Alterations to drains uavitu Sout of rigat of way linoleum and ufhea exm dition 'l furniture lit are awwy WHK4 lUf routractor alterations to telephones reno 10 Qpecn'a Chambers and so on Inis would bring the total met of the work to approximately £8230 The committee re I'lmmemled that the tender of Messrs Aliiburn A Jeffery at £5A10 be accepted subject to MUafoctory arraagameDte being made for the supply of water to the con tractors 4 ssl emtand to mdnrr ttenre per Taiyuan auvaaaart MAMABCXG RATAVIA AXBA PORK 4CA8iR jMwy 14 3 pun evvriasi tn gytori tteccc per llwsunan 39JMTK VIMU BCEN4 AYKK8 UO JANEIRO Jsaoary i via hew Pretest SAMaOaXGL XenMfT SI pre ererUad to Wedsey flu nee per nirasn nuNU ixn xev Jamurr it 3 evsrired to Sydney thence per Psriflw IkMW ROWR KORpriUC MLAXD AND XEW irst opfiortuaity Port workshy kanakai woodlark ABD YtXK BLAXDS Iwnry to enrvrtaS'1 to flydsev theisre per Matsrsm rnrTHERN TtLRJtfTORY Jamnry fo Sffl Ca eeertsad to Prdrev Itenr pet Alden Il Jaraary St RRS pw eerJend to spl 1 Ury ttaace per Tiiysns January WIlsres 1 PORT UNCOtX TIKRT AND Jami wy are pet Moriah ffTRKAKT MI RAT DEKIAL AXD SMOKY bahl yaua azmr axd ctctox YWs 6 pm per Rmiaia ria ret Ltw aaifli poar URdnuv coamA tommy axd arno IMs ay per tom via Wallarn tTWKAKY NTRAT DEXtAL OWLER' JMWEIDT Miuert in electrical enginmitig mining en gineering and metallurgy He is obtaiuitat pnu tkwl experience with the Adelaide Municipal Tramways Trut ami intendsontinuing his studies at the dciaide Cui veivity Lord Pcnriiyn rpcak'riw at a recruiting meeting at Twawter aud tie appealed for as a father with simmi in the army One son wounded and taMng Two brother ro re both tn the army five broihenv law were fighting and eleven nephews were serring thcar King axtd country brd Penrbyn late himself re ord lis old ngimcm the lt lafe Tao imikm from the little village of our rrotwra near Pwllheli David Hughes end Griffith Jones were (states a Port madoc telegram) on board the Emden was raugnt ny tne Aucn ie were on separate lhe Emden and met for for yrers aa prisoners ot the German cruimr A Ik vn nsuved announcing both safe Xi A GRAZIER'S WILLr Sydney 'JaamYnl letH' Maruinia nk at Edward Cm uanl )vl irs Arrived in teip Kpaa inUUUtf IT IX7 W1LUAMS Vn ilib Jan idcrwi Miidn dMe Kapuu ia Juspu Tn ua 'A lilnth 4 llKwn sei utn rtisry ma tree 1 ixv irr rtre 4 wt hnk ix onn tee loving with regard contraband hmbai reew ll had iwl their waj ih? th 2inl Jjnuarj Auburn 1 rciaxauou in the matter Eliaateth birh telund wire lUtert AMoni 1 viics Lima Hi xro ErUte iair kw eph "Heli Lbu AJies wgaa pm v' i tsi 1 ri my I If I A 1 IOIL 1 Tramways Trust tu tucrai the tHssj I The mf (Hun A li Pesiko) it rf tin North Adelaide lunch cur and mt formed a porter MnLy that fol vit me of the stoppiixex The reply of the Ina ing on statements mndi in re qst to Trust ntid to the ronin il sti rdiy 'hat th Xorth Adclnde lunch ur the 1 Minister 01 uetence in moouiij inme 1 aVre rere I ior luntir Riippiv vi eh wk! wm by mitte? rf the South Awnrali branch of kre the UrriJflh fVrvat Sriptv demre to LUCjr Wleliurawdl to IINUEWUVU UA I tic 4 altered circ*mstance On political grounds JrequTre alone however it would be a pty tue wa Mnl to tie Military Couiman ('otumonwealth stood out altogether As dant un Monday tue Australian vcmnusxon had uunle good progreie tn ite preparations both here and 1 in California and three States were willing to continue them it would be a breach of fa th for tbe Commonwealth to abandon the whole scheme iu deference to the ob jections of Mr Nielsen tats w'sirt Lto fee December 1 2 3 I 0A rind wished St College a ous Near Year The Port Prrie Town Council roived that the heroic action of i'o'Iru nf Henlev Beach ita iim with the drowninz accident on rc wkr Ub API trfkx Il 11U uaUUfliT 4I ra li vas as A donble fatal accident occurred life shiH be brought under Lae no afternoon at South Broken Hill Two titdi lice of the Royal Humane Society Mr WUkitMun died on Monday at James Hill herr were playing under (h Queensland He was a strong rte shadow ot a etone wall in 1 wprter and was a member of ths street h2ia 5 vkkiMriM Queensland Legislature in and aubae mugffi pa sod through the yard blowing to Mnreten the I OQulCB Leire1 Lfavliamnni wkinh rare 4 hre until ueteatou rex siocmr The Minister of Education (Hon A Peake) expressed his very deep regret Monday at the death of Lieutenant Colonel Xcaic of the Education Department He he said known for nnc time how eb'e Mr Neale had become and it was thereicre no surprise to learn of his death He desired to state However bow much be had valued Mr Neale's services (n the department more particularly since he had been brought into the office as Chief Ai Unt to tbe ihreutor of Education Lie bud had frxjuevit opportunity nf adrertain mg tbe excellence and found judgment which marked the manner in which 31r Nelle uerformed at ditura cood aaed Mr Prake would loss to tlie oifitual staff Ate Tbrinnn Shannon who rerili NLlL nrcnl hi uturday was well known and bgiily rpe'trd bi tue razsrf tarui few milcM nutxh of Caltoa ic As a young man Mr Shoaiun bqna farm ing operations and at the time hrs utirennnt about four ream agn heOMseti one of tv large ji operto ni the d'tril When ho it live at Millrtirood he wax much uireod He cook im prominent part in public matter but WeiMina I61M4 Wk HI Uv II 14tt a widow one on (Mr Melville Shannon) end vo daughter Mtaws Adelaide and Rha Shannon Mr A choana of the Suprene Court baa received a cablegram from hia eldest Mr Johnaon who fought in the Boer war stating that be haa bm gazetted captain in lhe King's Lavtwpool KtimaiU Mr Bradbury left on Monday after txxm by the Karoula on a visit to the cariem Statra Our Balhannah curraipund 'nt writrar The death occurred on Sundav Mr Turner widow of Mr Walter Nn holas Turner who died on December 21 tiie was 73 year old and fell ill days before her husband's dradi be mmM rtr htrtart UU her beairh bsrts WEATHER IN THE WENT tA Perth January IL Sultry weather haa nrevailad as Perth for tbe last three days Oa Sauwday shade temperature was 301 teg yestartaff 102 deg aad to day ww 1044 rtf whirt ia a record for thm asason A 'sfL HrtrtW Prtitota HMWtrtfl West In 46 hours at Broome aeariy 6 in ware resorted aad 4 seraral athag centres the faff exceeded aa iaeh NAVAL DEENCE DOMINIONS AND MOTHERWiflt MR ISHER INTERVTEWED yI WeUingteti January 1L The Prime Minister ofAustralia (Mb isher) said in an intel view to day eae turning aaral a "The policy of an AuaXralian ownmh manned and controlled navy for th Er fence of the South Pacific was eertainly tbs mot fiercely fought pafitienl contest tag recent history of the (Ajmmonwralth Ito opponents poeserert aa anwry at weapons with which to attack it Thflfl tbe deep end enduring love of AestralfaM for tbe mother cnanuy and tbe fear lart they might in future be direodated frto the glorious traditions of the Briirti won support for a continuance of the Wa contributory cooditMai evor where ream diaspproveti of tbe want of self defence bp our own aita and our own rtipa TchmjT all parties acclaim the policy of feral naral as well as military defence Tbaeort of ncval defence is of course heavy brt it is not a burden that the Avawiaa people tear In peace they bare aeea twit sons training with Britain 0 best and Maa been pl aired at tbeir sbowiag Ia Jbt throe? of war they are proad to kaow what Auttralian seamen have done and proutaT for the vindication of tbs national deoira to fight and pay for our defence oa art and land with and for tbe old fend TUB is a privilege and policy which I am ert vmced will cause to grow up in tbead VOtDIDICOfl raw nww women fit to inherit oar destiay It aaf happen that South Africa aad Orasife mare bined or individually amy not 1 train count ur so mucn iktc wic uciu try st ter re 1 gerenta arc almost evenly maubed as iu xiny wile war tlmt tbe Briusb Government may yean excuatvl rr some cbanetM uf atutudv Mm 1 ADcy havr The rcveui of co uvu by drchir IHIVEK tte Hlb J4UUQ st 1 nlQ J'W1" CntnMi stnre rousranaiua ue biutxi katuif Ihmr agU JJ i 4 caditig AmiTnjau industry wrudi ought 1 to have received more grateiul recoguuoti than it tras don' A cargo of cotton bafosaifonL iV convenient a meaife oi smuggling 1 urntv i to have admitted cnecrfuly the 'uv i ra nhipa to take what prc I ok4 rem i taUliUlw tTr ssemay Wiaa pra lice A regard lor American in terests dictated lhe removal of the em bargo on life admtouoD of Australian wool to the United State but ro large ia the trade in woollen goods done by American manufacturer with German markets that the British Government have had thrrat the rempcxition of the embs on the trade will America in Australian wool A month or to ago an ordr ww iMiuod by the (Government aganst tne exportation o' tea Holland Norway and Sweden berorw there had been ro much leakage tu Germany but this prohibi U4a ha been reouvnd wUa a baa haa 4 TO THE LIGHT STATION 'I be steamer (wrn': Adelaide A1rLay 1 qie Counl Itirili uil ti AlthoriHfe iv kVcrg who have ix en alMiit on leiie and for i purpose brining Port Adela urhrr who an toihnua! If Bv Siie i return Port Adt ade Thun daj ASSEMBLY ETECTOIL3L ROLLS It having been ascertained that there are nunv thrnmnds who have to giwter their votes for the House of I my without hesitation that democracy Though TRAVEL a neeemarily restricted just now there are many places to which health and pleasure seekers can go BUSINESS as ever calls to LONDON to the EAST to the UNITED STATES and to all places where Trade and Com merce still demand urgent attention A through tbeir TOUR and TRAVEL DEPARTMENT ran BOOK YOU BY ALL AVAILABLE ROUTES ull particulars on application BURNS PHILP A OCX LIMITED Building Grenfell street ADELAIDE "SSrowe UAT MUTAIff (ria torn) Jtaswy 9" BMA Hriefe IMHs dw Itafto eta st GPQ far mfaiirit tatw pja with late ta IU are for erdfi ry tora ea: for veetate art tespsprei Gre Tte stab kr above st temsptorc 1 1AR OJU sta at pm Adrisites trttm MS tor P4KRaaaira at Uta ore rittavre fotterv rere re lata rere have bra srettad one additional Utter rate14 Ud) foe Wwtera AoottalL loitei Xiaatam and fcreia ptaMS will be received at dremol pm Otoce up to X5 prc st ifon MeWde to A3 pre: at Adriaide railway HEAT AND BAIN pJre pat Woakata 6VWSAKT MtW AT DRltUL ARD SCEATXS BAY AXD EUAnoXJswmfy i are a ji WiItorvii I On the 30th Decmter 1914 ffOCT LCtOOU TVYBT BAY Jamwiy Campbelltown to Hr Ud Bra Headirg BlimiWJaUff Janmry are per KAB4UDOO BUin Jumry are gJIhiWThia day pre Kopoela P4rtUBI fy are Jm vIWct Tnfe raaw a MB wared a ffODRAPATTA CHAaLOYTO WATDRA AiJCK AV rtSMOy 13 WBMHlUa fria Hrorott) JaM S2 am Jananrv IS are MAIM OR DABWTX I RJ WJW A riinary 7 am JVBIWiqr ivumr Willi aun rrwe Wn Spr nre ot Uarriagtoa Wfeet a lite neutrals have bad to draw from over daughter (ttilitxwn) Tt a ftr their own needs commodiUes whkrh uE AnfNO oe the wte wemrer wta at ln normal times they would have re retnnhmlltareab 4 A Ur flftei WK HPlillEiee 1 a (Cyril GcrJoaje vrmvM iran vne Mrrman countries but On the Sth JUnarr I in lh ca rf copper for example it Nonb Catoy to to and Mra Ta Horten taw impossible to explain by local cou daughter sumption the prodigiona quanta tbe im Mn oom ntaerotua md Xorth t'nley porting from America in rcitent Wiloon says Hie interferences wur I aiiips have been carried so far that her I industries are auSering to which Edward Grey ne ecting November purpo ocs of comparison pointe out that AmeridOM trade in aoma dirra tinna really greater than it was twetvanonlh i I value than tho opinions of a single ago auu mat wiere oteers it naa de clined (lie reason may be found in the diminished purchasing power nf belli gerente and not in any tampering with shipment' The gvm'iwl effect of Sie Edward Grey' Note is that the British Government oee no reaaon for changing their procedure but where cargoes have been wrongly detained they will promptly compensate the owners and to minimise (tie danger of any such contretemps will uhaUn Arraiurenionbt tte (Inlled in the States may euggtwt This is a courageous attitude which wifi have the support of Aa showing the ainis ter purpose uf the enemy in fomenting SILVKB WXDDQIG Americo Britwh discord it is stated that RABTIN MNCLlHt On the 12th Jammy i German aaeote have aelrcteJ 18W Pannca station River Murray at the 1 pttuucarrying VMSfli rotton being non rasHirnco of the hnde'a farms by Rev A 1 cutraband ior use in the transport of rederick Uiluan Mirtin youncest ron ot Philip Martin 4 Coley to tabclla Uta Uel I contraband goods the nope being that mcooiI danabt' ot Donald Sinclair Paring Pro Vuerlcaji shippers will incite their Go ar sddrabeboota we AibeMrae VWMlvBt to onkr prevvnt DEATHS i the detention ox such vessels where On tbe 10th January tew I there is reason to subject tber in siilence Drvoe Mrwt Grange contraband is eeureted in Harold Moro Grirell ia tots Mih year A potirat suff' rtv gone to rat AAHD On the Hth January at 1 held" Larloiie Ererard rclict te the late Ourira John Everard aged years RIP On the 9th January at North Ade laide Rri lct Mary lict ot lhe Uta dargesnt Ttoomaa UirriU air yewra REIU On the IMb January at St Leomrda it 'rr mm luid vmn blow the eye knockifig him dow and falling on top oi' hint Ite nod upokroi to the vnsLahle before and bal always bem friendiy him The witnerc wa not drunk though Iiad had reveral drink rarlv in the evening He made a con foamt al the Water Poivce MaUon aud toe welfare ami airvanremeni afterwarvis went to the Sydney Hospital I trirt he bud alwtyro at besrt the nuintx uf laJnn whi i i uvoifcii JlLTt I llt'tj fid U4r kVM i iatt vuuiK'J adopud tfie coniuiilU'v'o report INEA VniE M4RTALm AT NORWOOD The Mayor Norwood II I Hoiileiii at the niitiing the focal Lard Ih iIlji i viiiinz remarked with regret that there hud bevsi during AS'aa ah idiiii iriduit nrorUitny in tu town Mr Dcakiti was apKintd to reprew nl the (oninionweallli at linama Exh biti in tbt caparity a any rate lie is not going Almont at the moment of hie railing for San rn ii the Minis ter of External kffairs intemwii wth tin refusal of the ncx ewwry funds to rover his exprortra Mr Drakin may still but if ro it will le a tlie rqweimtaiivr of Victoria not tlic Commonwealth or 'xrtne weeks paet it has been known that serious frictfon had oo urred between him and Afr Afhon Mr Deakin how ever Jtvliued at thin stage to lir li the facts of the dispute and tbe maintained a rimd'ar reticence I until on Saturdav last hr was ry the publication of certain statements the Melbourne press giving an inkling as tn the reasons fur his action It now appears that the ederal Government have slighted Mr Drakin in retaliation for his to notify them concerning tin expressed opinion of Mr Nielsen ti changed character of the Panama Exposi tion 3fr Nielsen it will be remembered as a former member of the New Suth Woles Government vriioee collrasnes pro vided for him at a time of some political embarrassment by giving him a permanent liosition aa representative of the State at San ranc sen It was natural that he should be made a member of the Au tralian Exhibition Commission of wlikh Mr Drakin in preodent and according to Mr Mahon tbe Commiarion until recently conducted through him all ita negotiations and arrangements In August last Mr Nielsen informed the Commission that the war had shorn the Exposition of its international character reducing it to the evel of an ordinary and advised that Australia should not under the altered conditions be repre sented This proposition wu de 1 bated bv the CommiMOD dw tented from by the three States directly I concerned as contributories and unani ind 3 phtform at the Adelaide railway mourty wt aiae on eptCTnoer i as the result of tbe Rrbtntraion of the pro posed plan of operations the ederal Government agreed to Australian represen tation on a modified scale but in Decem ber Mr Nielsen communicated with the Prime Minister direct and the result was a complaint that tbe Comminion had sup pressed his advice and a suggestion that until the matter was cleared up Mr Dcakin should defer his preparations for departure A later letter from Mr Mahon closes with a hint that the president of the Cotranirton ought is decency to resign In a communication to the Minister Mr I Deakin shows that the head of the Go 1 lernment in September supported the ideal art igbton ropm isHy th Rev ather O'Roart and father Ryan (or their tin 1 ailanee alto letter art eifriona of lymtmhy in their recent nad bemretnrnt MR ALrORO art era THAXKS to all Relatives art kind inert I'nlcv Oval Monday and tkil an enjoyable tin1 nit Di May Moffitt who has been riend ing 1 weeks iti Adelaide left by ytvterikty cypress to Mellwtfrne on way Taein ini rartlri inn varans uoyw factnr Australian Metal Go Ltd (Elec P3r rxtekyards throiigfiiout tbe city just before 'benartinmt) Gilbert place Adelaide satn 16 i 1 awnrl fhH a a tasMV auQ ICQ1M A NEW HOSPITAL We have added to our factory whkh has Hrwr of 3900 ft what in knnwt to iple opportunitiea of be our staff as the New Hospital because it rjtnnia aequaiDtpu inn uir wuibtij tL rcMidkiou of die poorer parts of the city Shaketpeare Co Cleaaers and Ptrgi IN MZMORIAM iP hM ti (onn? memory nf nn dcr rnotb Harriett Martial! )o lk at taura tr January 12 ru" nnuirr irone wwn ua 1 Vjy from rorrvw ami rair t'lc Hwtncton on tout nninou( Bih orm cLy t' bpr in the land i ot ns Mtlnxitfii hre van rut orders ruiv mwt tirar aculn I luw rt ty tiT hMir iLowhur xrfo art look Irke wejkntw and vacillation tb jcrriaUiy cvdvfMc a tery sroiiit uv rr the hardships of war for neutrals land Jewt that could be expo led turn i4 a ready qu'e a enee ji (he nr naval mut to keep from the enemy 'n uiat' t'as iix esrtry for pr tigtv' tnvir I oug it to mane it io a I traders in America apart from tii1 ire getting fancy pr vs Ar mirabami good that the prolongation of the war as dsaetrons them as the trad'n world gencrilly but we ciunit waf il their eyes are open to th ooviotis trut' and it is Wei! io i irn that Britsh vernnn nt cnempite abatement in the use of ilw wftipou tfn enemy nave most pm 4wrrisM to flydnry throes per st AJhsto Vnr SKALAMD orm Thi Ur lm svcrlsMto MrBraroe rids day a3t pma smtoiri to iltwra iKffllK HUatAMTLR Jararc J4 pm (late fro tn) Matas Jssmty pm (UU fro ltR0 per b'atmstar llfTEU 97AnM TMa tar XAB Hro 4 jiwsyrtatem at ass BIBTH8 MUULUGU AMD sratata to Krlbanae aaaroaaara DKATHS AaseoBraserrta ontfcr this raff ng mart bothroticstrt by the ssme art aMra st tte srodrr sad srs hwrted to M1te Adratira art Ctestorlt" at a chants at too tailliMs trt tentrace ewA when bn neceditit ftvs Ums era tvs lines gitprars Pr tins BIRTH8 GOOO On tte tth Jsirarv st tt jtra Private llMpttol Trinity street' tte vrite at Bed for High Scnool work Nuw Irvwcvvr bmJdinira dcsuCTHXt and constructed meet Cm nipun rm ut uu branch ot i education have lc cumpleuxl Ln the erii Lera and stern ubiirt The build ingn winch are at Kenxington a'dMdville nprolivcly will in kiivan as Norwood aii'i Woodvtlle District Sclroole an oi the ratnc nd aje eiuirxu wten all tne aids lor ihe traoting advawed ediM ation Sir Mdrtrth) 1A JI Sc iwjni ly a wuni diurge ut the Norwood Dlic lias been apMnicl li nd (rach to the new Norwood Ihstriet Hitfh School and Mr Gate i rly rluuw at Uw Unley DUS 1x i U44J LratUMIt 'ivA i tx in re aj aher at Woodville Ihstri High Aoi a Lnt irtaWe anrcuw ot iniant i 4)ktl oul A happy new jr old man AA ra WW1 11 4ra 1riX ll knirtinirLm firwi MirL I fl XorwAMl Mabfrtita an cnvMbJe 1 immediately hit t(ie witnow a heavy tor infante Au'trahusa atxi he was I I lire tin bvnr Ix iuCh did not wth to I I lose Dr A Shtqihcrd (medirai oUii er of tin Eaxt Towns County Board oi llralLh iieu akid to rcxjn on the 1 matter Kid ept tim'd that two thmls i tue tobd number oi deaths of iiUaute io i i he aust I'on ems Ltrxt had ocoirrcd in the first six months Ihn Jtg the latter part of the year the drath rate had bn I I hilna 4 toe itornoo fas kt fl 9te 1 Moldavia i Noravxxl the dvath rate oi ituanht under ra tuonum ai quat wrv cuwu ouaac iv rad lx vn as high as 9) per thousand i lurrhr but in the last quarter of the jyiar the rate had ben ofoy 30 prc thou 1 end More tlao ball the deaths bad I ii due to dairrboea probably rauxd I lo faulty feeding during the minuner months Prated nrtrwtxms mcarding the ux and matmtrenient of young iaute aero po sU to eviry from I a hieii a b'rih was rocisU nil Init in many be und the dinetioim wen rr irded In order 4o remedy lo at it would I be to follow up th method by (M castona) vist of a trxned nnr ro in 1'hr Mm nr uil thd DfrL rcedon know th wa a quertsoa for the OTO BITER AM WlROLOkcIxm ry a rn tbe th January lu teol bnim Hotmhtvu to Mr art Mn a daUKbter (Barbara Joan) 1UBBUGS8 tbe Sith Jforanber It4 at Lurirtale by Rev McLesa iHwal Kenneth thirl we at Kerr Ken aingtos to Gtstnide Stuart aecort daughter of Riudiie Lwindalc VRSH On tte 14th Noven bet 1914 at Trinity Church Adelaide by theKer A Vri bb Charita Rtnsdl ercort am at IL Oudicy Crooksvll SAW to Uilda Adelaide cun i daughter ct the Ut Joiu Marahail ci Birkenhead SL vn VDV ta iu hic Methodist Church Quora fey Rev A Morris 1 a tt aK Rxltavro (LNks I rTl4 X4JVX4 rJHJTll Miller daughter at Mr art Mra William Miller 1 cm entire unpire IJUCSIU ENLARGING THE TOWN HALL rime MinieP i Australia (Mr who is in New lud a on Monday morning th of the Domiithm Government lie irroa vn the it Trentharu in the nfurooon nnd left Wcuinglon for Cbrisich urx in the evening Mr John Lriiia Trude "Minister of Ixtn ls oi' Niw South WnluH who win NK'niU'l in a frov days auo for api'endfotw died at 1 oelock on Monday morning at St Yin cent's Hospital Sydney Mr Hulnmii Pr miier of South waa at the if 1 1 Imdaide of h's ollmguc when he lawM mitiu for tin nwny Mr Trcllc hum a native of the wen Island ipn tcni district of Victoria and in 176 al Ute ne ot tuno he went to the i wK i district where his fothirr establadx Irni self I In lirwt firmer of the locality 'On tale Minister stood behind the tilough al I twelv yixtrs of igc and afterwards Is i anie champion ploughman with both 1uLic furrow and treble furrow ploughs In of farming Trefle always took I detqi interest ho was one the firat perrons iu New South Wart to draw I attention to the importance of dry I farming on tho linen advocated by lro i lessor Campbell of America After at Uuning his twentieth year Mr Treft was at vouejir (or seine years He took an active iuterral in the armers' and Set Hits' Araociaiion first as honorary general secretary nnd afterwards as a member of the executive round) and vice president Mr Irefle purchased the Temora "Inde pendent" tn 1805 and edited and ton ulled the paper the proprietorship of wiii he later snared with Mr Bradh Mr Tretle's knowledge of the land hwa waa shown in the nwiduct of i 1 cn iv met XfRS HAltRITT ilARUlMiliiN art AMILY Jk nf vilfe u(i to THA'sK all (rnwh ah rrlalform tbtir Unit floral tri hntro vnl errnraimu of muthy in thnr rc rout fo bcri av'mTt csprc ijtty Urora Payne art Waters an Mr IHckin tor their areal kindm art tboro who rsbrrt assistance al tbe tinw mi tte a rjipni at Miu ham MR MARTIN XEVUAS'and ia Cradnck 1rc ia THANK all rii rxb i rhe condition of the lii fao of Assembly I rolls at Mili cimt and sruthibn al once mule enquiry and htd folhwri report upplw io iijn by 'h retivnju oii i for tin State iMr Malhewsl "Nimiher of electors fn tiie House of A sentbly rolls rr the elix tiori April 2 Milliceni 112S: Strut halbyn 1MX Snmocr ch vtor on 'm iluu a oi' A rnbly rolls tor the election ebruary ll 1'12: Millwent 1212 Strathalhyn or Sepiemlw iralnajiyn lac Amn pathy art teral iributiw in their recent asd luTvararwui Mr RvCirtMr jttomrTiiArK i nli Cr bwi irir a nn ly THANK all ri an Ki lain th lt svuipaiio ji floral tril uu iu tir QUITTING WITH GEORGIA LONDON January ILir hrnet Shaikleton leader ot tba Antarctic Expedition which left Ifegfead just after the war began in a DMMafge Duly Chroniclfl Co annoum ea that be is about to quit ji inc mem Dera at tna rtMxiitiiin Sir Ernest state that he ba been delayed by the condition of the ice trhe is unfavorable for travelling He dart not expect tiierefore to cross tbe jyp tarctic continent until next aaaaaa South Georgia ia an in the Boatk cr Athntw ocean about 1U0O miles dae eart of Cape Horn crossed by 54) dog eoutlk and 37 deg west It mean t43Rpra ture ia 3411 de abteflfertX flaafda REEDOM TO IGHT WASHINGTON January IL President Wilson on Saturday delivered a sfnech at Indianapolis on the ruhject st the condition of affaire In tbe Mexican iM vnioor nc a mu proencea quite a coot Trie finance committee advised the City in of Council at a moetmg on Monday afternoon 4 that the town drek had report that 23 Present drcfared that so far ba tenders had been reeeivcl Uc additions to Ito the Toa i1U Miid'n and had aulf'r wn j' milted the rehedtue of prices Too' t'Lbcbn the (treat nation that committee winch had smrcl th tendm wewadd enrtt if were in aavmkmre with the rtuuling orders mmicd' but 'W1 had directed that furtiter estimate be ItlliOil frrin ak 1 I XlBvCa kutrv CU0 inV'lOTW for an additicnal storey lo tlu new build mj but it Kulsaqucntly had been found1 that the extra cost would ronskh rabiv gx old colonist who years ago oc prominent position in putoral As an owner of stations on the which included Tolamo end Mr Iteid's sheep and wool As a horse breeder too very sntxrtsful and the famous Tbe foi'wMm on New Ytiar' raornins and was committed for trial Lawson said he was LARGE ASSAULT Sydney January 11 Constable Thomas Patrick McMalton the Water J'olire was charged before Mr I Iovr 5AL at tbe Water Police Court to day witin having aratulted Robert Gcmell Lwaon wud hr waa manager tlic Port Jackson dipping erry Company At about 3 am on New Year's Day he wii walking along the Cir 1 eular Quay in company with two friends McMahon wa timding opposite the WaU I son's Bay frrv whan and tbe witne McMahon did not answer that these were found to he in a deancr and more sanitary condition than pre vmusly Sister oster was some years ago 1 micierintendent of the district trained nui'xra anu ni am pie opjxji iuuuiib vc i jtniuc acquainted with the sanitary where clothes are repaired Since she bad been acting i ity trained nurse she haj bad opportunities of rcsnparing present conditions with those existing prevmiMly and she reports that not only is there a improvement in the sanitary condition of houses but the or a isante as a whole are more willing to fol low advice giveu to them and instead of resenting vwita as an intrusion as rule new eagerly welcome them These two facteratifv to the efficiency and tm tfulncsa of tue nuree and the inspectotv" KIT BAGS OR THE TROOPS With reference to the request of A1inifr nr Tteffne in Monduv's Assembly the various electorates the Licensed Victualler' Araociatiou have supplied each hotelkeeper in the State wirn an electoral roll Persons not yet registered have about a fortnight in which V) lodge their claims to enable them to vote at the coming referendum our directors of Crooks A Brooker Ltd have established Commonwealth ur nishers Ltd 93 95 Rundle rtreet We aim at originality reliability and good value Our catalogue ia tbe best vet issued T205c Crooks A Brooker Ltd have purchased tbe SA rights of the original Coolgardie reezer now known as the Cool ing Safe Secure one and your summer worries will cease Prices 25 32AI each TJU5c goes where Baldwin's Shoes comfort and tiwiuty in every pair 3on cannot mistake the a'iop 1 Opp PO Unley road Pretty Swathed Shade Hats mi table for preflent wear trimmed to order fifteen shillings to a Jean LuL Netter Building Hindley etreet 85:84 TS YOUR SELTZOQENE OUT RE PAIR No need to buy a new one A DOBBIE A Co Ltd Gawler pl stock ai Eiectnc Motors guaranteed entirely aatts HrvT Australian Metal Co Ltd (Elec pation of Australia in the Exhibit am ita 1 the Christmas holiday and they deliberate concluuons should be con'KiTel her 1 1913 Mr Gwno Drate i priaciprt at tbe fra ot Mfa al Srehna eaUrt at hh fa placfld bsfore hm mflafa by tbe GefluraaMat Daakleytbea aud MrMalaahy K1.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.